Dr Traynor 560cc, HP, Overs 29th October .. Picture Uploaded :-) Started by: laurasarah

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    Hi girls 🙂

    I had my Operation done almost a week ago now! I went with Dr Traynor at the Preston Hospital and I had 560cc, over the muscle, Allergan Natrelles (Round, Textured) , High Profile!

    Dr T offered me three sizes from 500’s to 600’s and in the end I went with the middle size! I was really torn between these and the 605s!

    My surgery was fantastic and the staff at Preston hospital were amazing and lovely! My admission time was 12pm and I was back home by 7pm! I went into theater quickly it felt, well , there was no waiting around anyway! I Put my surgery socks straight on and down I went!

    I woke up from the deepest sleep ever and just wanted to go back asleep which the nurses let me do, they just kept checking on me then eventually it was time for me to sit up and have some toast 🙂 At this point I felt very nauseous and as soon as I told my nurse she offered (and I accepted) some anti sickness medicine and I was feeling better in no time.

    It was really peaceful and private at the hospital and I just took my time getting ready, the nurses helped me and I made my way to the car around 6.30. Everyone was so polite and nice, I am really glad I chose MYA and especially glad I chose Dr Traynor as my new assets are fantastic! Can’t believe I just woke up with cleavage!!!

    I haven’t had any pain really, just some slight discomfort every now and again. Its day 6 now and I have just started to pick my little boy up every now and again (He is 7 months old and obviously isn’t walking or anything yet!) so my fiance took a week off work to help and we have a child minder and grandmas helping too 🙂

    If there’s anything I can help with before/ after your surgery just ask! And check out my pic! x x x

    I’m currently busting out of a Primark Sports Bra 36 DD, I went up a size to account for swelling. Once that goes down I am going to invest in a more expensive day to day support bra to wear until they are fully healed. x x x


    Hi Hun .do u mind if I add u ? I’m having 450’s with dr traynor next wed at Preston xxx


    Hey Hun
    Congratulations on your new boobs!!
    I hope you are recovering well? 🙂

    Is it ok to add you? I’m getting 560cc on the 20th nov – only 2weeks away now 😀
    I cant wait.

    Alyssa xxxn


    Hi hope you don’t mind an add I’m having Traynor 26th feb 450cc I’m so excited everyone only has good things to say bout him it makes me less nervous xx


    Yes no problem , added all 🙂 x x x


    Hey is it ok if I add you too. I’m having Dr Traynor 🙂 x


    Good Luck girlies x x x its so exciting! x x


    laurasarah are your dressings off yet any movement or still rock hard?


    Hi I’m having 450 CUI’s with Mr Traynor, ok to add you all? xxx


    Hey babe can I add you please. My op is in 29 days… xx


    Looking fab lovely! Hope you’re healing well! Are you glad you went for the 560s?? x


    Hiya Cass, softening up now but I am actually really liking the ‘fake’ look of them at the moment!!! I think anything is just such an improvement from before!
    Dressings all off and healing well except some pain on my incisions which catch me off guard sometimes being really painful.. tempted to call the nurse before I switched from the Primark Bra to M&S and haven’t felt the pain as often x x x

    Laura – soooo glad I went for the 560s .. they are feeling MASSIVE so don;t think I needed the (tiny) extra amount of cc’s by going up to the 605s! xxxx

    aprile 1

    hope you dont mind the add! i had dr traynor on 30th oct.. quite a bit smaller than your tho only had 325s. i loved the preston hospital and how small it was.. the random peacock wandering around was quite funny. thought i was going mad! hope you’re feelng well 🙂 xx

    aprile 1

    it appears we are already friends! lol didnt recognise the profie pic! lol my brains been mush since ha x


    Iv added hope that’s ok xxx


    Hope u dnt mind the add.xxx


    Soz sent a couple times.my phones bein a pain didn’t think first one sent xxx

    Sarah -2

    Hey! @laurasarah I would love to see your before and after pics i have been offered 520cc with mr traynor but I want bigger! What size were you before hand? And what size now? Are they huge huge or in proportion? I’m a size 8 5ft3 and around 9 stone! Xxxx


    @laurasarah Hi Hun , Ive added you hope you don’t mind, would like to see MR.Ts work if that’s okay. what size were you before hand ?xxx

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