how long do I sleep sitting up Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    Does anyone know how long I should sleep sitting up to get the best results? I don’t want to lie on my side or back too quickly incase my boobs flop to the side slightly and stretch my scars x

    Francesca -1

    I slept upright for a month and then reduced my pillows each week after that (but I was literally sleeping straight upright). They do advise not to lay on your side til like week 4 I think? as obviously your implant may mould to the side a bit wonky haha x


    O god this is what im dreading! the thought of sleeping so unnaturally will do my head in im terrible with no sleep aswell lol x


    I did for about a month last time and plan to this time also, a week is what is generally recommended to give your pockets a chance to close. x

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