weight of implants Started by: Nancy

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  • Nancy 1

    Hey girls, just wondering how heavy would you say for instance 380cc implants would be in lbs? silly question but i weigh myself everyday im a tad obsessed to say the least ha!


    380cc = 380 gram hope this helps


    1cc of silicone weighs 0.0375 oz, to calculate the weight of silicone implants tally your total cc, times by single cc weight and then divide by 16, the divide is ro convert from ounces to pounds. So…

    If you have two 300cc implants then: 300cc x 2 = 600cc total

    600cc x 0.0375 = 22.5oz

    Then you divide 22.5oz by 16 to convert from pounds to ounces= 1.40625 lbs. for both implants

    I have 615cc so I did 615 x 2 x 0.0375 / 16 = 2.88 so my implants weigh just under 3lbs in total.

    Hope that helps!

    Nancy 1

    Oh yeah thanks kaydee thats helped alot 🙂


    The cc weighing the same as grams is correct for saline implants but not for silicone, it’s close enough, I think a CC of silicone is around 97 grams.. ish lol. Gram is a measurement of weight where as CC is a measurement of volume of space.



    if concerned about the weight of them do the rice test if you are having 380cc implants put 380g aprox of rice in ankle tights tie off so rice is loose repeat twice one for each boobie wear in larger bra

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