Good Questions To Ask At Consult & Pre-Op Started by: happyme

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  • happyme

    So I think i’m pretty much clued up about everything but would like to ask some questions and both consult and pre-op. What did you ask?


    What is your rate of complications (capsule contracture, bottoming out, infection, etc)?

    What’s the most common complication your patients experience?

    What is your re-operation rate with breast implants, and what is the most common re-operation you perform?

    What incision site do you prefer, and why?

    What placement do you prefer? Do you perform both over the muscle and under the muscle implants?

    Do my breasts sag? Will breast implants provide some lift, or will I need a breast lift / mastopexy?

    Do you recommend massage? Why, or why not?

    What is your policy on repairs (cc, bottoming out, lowering a crease, etc.)? Do you charge a fee for these things, and if so, how much?

    How long will I need to take off work?

    What medications do I need to stop taking prior to my surgery?

    What herbal remedies should I stop taking prior to my surgery?

    When can I resume normal activities, exercising?

    Do you use dissolvable stitches, and if not, when do the stitches come out?

    Whenc can I shower/bath?

    Do you recommend Arnica and/or Bromelain for bruising and swelling?

    Will I have surgical tape on the incisions, and if so, can you put some on me now, so that I can see if I will have an allergic reaction to it? (If you already know that you have reactions to surgical tape, PLEASE let your surgeon know at the consult.)

    Does smoking affect the healing process? Do I need to quit before surgery, and if so, how long should I be smoke-free before I have my surgery?

    When can I start driving again?

    Do you dissect the medial portion of the pectoral muscle in order to create more cleavage? (You want your surgeon to answer NO to this question.)

    Do you make over-sized pockets?

    Do I need to purchase any bras prior to my surgery? Will I need to wear a sports bra, underwire, “strap”, or no bra (after surgery)?

    Do you believe that vitamin E plays a role in preventing capsule contracture?

    How long after surgery should I wait before taking vitamin E? What dosage do you recommend?

    Is there anything that I can do to help my incision heal better?

    If I have a problem, or a redo, can the same incision be used, or will you have to make a new incision?

    Will my breasts feel natural, to me, as well as my significant other?

    Will my implants lose their shape and/or sag, after a long period of time?

    Will I be able to breastfeed, and does the nipple / areola incision decrease my chances of breastfeeding?

    Narcotic pain killers constipate me. Would it be safe to take a gentle laxative?

    What about diuretics for the swelling? Would you recommend that also?

    Can my menstrual cycle be thrown off due to the surgery?

    How will my breasts look if I decide to have children?

    Do you perform surgery on women who are menstruating?

    Will I lose sensitivity in my breasts/nipples? What are the odds of this being permanent?

    Do you use sizers (disposable implants) during surgery to best determine size? And if so, how many different sizes of implants do you take in to the OR?

    How long can I expect my implants to last and what time frame should I expect for a re-do? (average is around 10-15 years)


    @Kaydee Stafford WOW..thank you huni! Just printed all of those out 🙂 Such a HUGE help. You’re a star xxx


    I’m copying them.that’s ideal…I never thought of. Half of them.thank u xxz


    NO problem at all 🙂 I’ll add anymore I think of x

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