Why do Mya write to your GP to tell them? Started by: happyme

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  • happyme

    I just read someones story and she said how she was showed the letter that Mya sent to her GP so they would know about the surgery…. Why do this do this and can you say no to it? I’m not planning on telling anyone about my surgery and someone in the family works for the NHS so I’m worried she will be able to see it if she looks at my file. Will they still let you have the surgery if you say no to the letter going to you GP?

    Francesca -1

    It’s incase anything goes wrong your GP will know in the future so they can give you the best care xx

    candybabey 3

    GPS letter is to get a confirmation about any other medical you have missed out to provide if the surgeon requests this they will send a letter to the gp to confirm.. No-one is obliged to look at your medical history without permission and they don’t share your information around hun..x


    Oh good. I just didn’t want the family member to see it. Thanks girls xx

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