New here..hello all..waves Started by: Sian

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  • Sian 2


    Sorry this is a long post.

    I suppose Id better introduce myself and tell you all a little about me. I hope everyone says hello as I did join another forum a few weeks ago and posted twice and got nothing back.. no one said anything to me so I’ve left it now 🙁

    I am 46 with two children that have left home now and have hated my tummy since I was 17 after I had my first child (yes I know, I started young) I ended up with really wide bad stretchmarks going above my belly button and round to my sides and my skin had been over stretched and my tummy sank in the middle, from my belly button downwards. I didn’t know until I started researching tummy tucks that this is muscle separation.. I wish id have known what I know now all those years ago.. I wouldn’t of bothered doing those sit-ups and getting nowhere.
    I have never worn a bikini on the beach. In fact I don’t go to the beach! My dad owns a villa in Spain and 15 years ago I was always going there for my summer holidays. (don’t go anymore) I would wear my husbands old baggy purple mens shorts and a bikini top around the pool and would wear the same year in year out.. I didn’t even buy new shorts as you would buy a new bikini with each new holiday as I just felt it was a waste of money and I know I looked stupid! My stepmum said I would look better in a swimming costume if I felt like that and not the purple shorts, but I felt like an old granny wearing one of those and so I stayed with the shorts. My dad would sometimes make fun of me and my sister would come out and sunbath in a thong and nothing else making me feel like a freak.

    Skip 100’s of years (well it feels like 100’s of years) to 8 years ago when I met my new boyfriend (after throwing my old husband out..we stopped getting on and had both changed) he knew how much I hated my tummy and I would always try and hide it. I would walk into the room with my hand over my fact I still do that now. Its become a habit and I still haven’t worn a bikini all these years later. My tummy doesn’t bother him and he says he likes my stretchmarks !!!!! Well I started to gain lots of weight as Nigel is a great cook. (I’m trying to keep this short) Nigel proposed to me and I didn’t want to be a fat bride so went on a diet. I joined weight watchers online and lost 4st. I became weight watcher of the month and went to London for a photo shoot 🙂
    I went from a 38FF to a 34 DD and felt empty.. My tummy looked worse and I now have dimples down the front of my legs as well as the back!
    I have kept the weight off for years now and never want to go back to that weight.

    I started cycling last year.. First I got a mountain bike but kept hurting myself.
    So I then got a road bike (less dangerous for me) and just this year I have entered a few races. I can now peddle up those big long hard hills and can go for hours. My longest ride has been 63 miles in one day. I go out about 3 times a week.
    My boyfriend (well , husband as we got married ) cycles with me and he has lost loads of weight doing this and his body has changed shape. My body has stayed the same! which Im not happy about.. When I get down low on my bike my legs hit my belly! Dont get me wrong, its not really bad its not excessive,but someone once said to me…Sian, Pregnant again.. I wasn’t and felt crap!
    As I have got older my tummy seems to stick out more and I’m now not worried about my stretchmarks but the way it sticks out when I’m wearing clothes. My boobs still feel empty at the top and have started to sag with age. . I’ve started to wear spandex to try and get my tummy to look flat.. this is something I’ve just started to do and that makes me feel old too!
    I cuddle a teddy in bed. I put this teddy by my tummy so when hubby cuddles up to me from behind and drapes his arm across me, he cant feel my tummy. HOW SAD IS THAT! When hubby does try and feel my tummy to say..its OK its fine it doesn’t bother me.. I get a tummy ache and feel sick!

    Present day…. I just decided a few weeks ago.. enough is enough, I’m not getting any younger and what will my tummy look like when I’m an old lady.. Its not going to get any better just worse.. So I started to look at tummy tucks and talked lots with hubby and he said.. I bet you get this done and then want more.. he was sort of right as I’ve started to look at breast augmentation too now, before I’ve even got the tt done.

    Soooo I’ve been looking around and have had my first consultation with MYA last Wednesday. going back to see the surgeon next Thursday.

    I’m looking at having a full TT, lipo, BA and a lift all at the same time :-0 .. in for a penny, in for a pound.

    Has anyone else on this forum had all this together?

    Love and peace xx


    Hellooo sian 🙂
    Woww thats alot ha. When are u looking at getting this done?
    At least you will have heaaap loads of confidence and will be well worth it.
    Im having a ba on 4th december xxx
    P.s welcome to the forum xx

    Sian 2

    Yeah someone answered lol

    Hi Naomi,

    I am looking at having all my surgery the first week of February as we are going skiing in January.

    Not long for you now then. Have you been waiting long to have it? good luck



    Yeah iv been nagging my grandad for about two years lol. Im coming up 22 but have wanted this since about 15.
    Ohh so now too long for you either. Hopefully it will fly by for you xxx


    Hi Sian.. Just read ur story and my god what a long way uve come already!! Congrats on loosing the weight 🙂 who’s ur surgeon? X

    Sian 2

    Wish I had of had mine done a lot earlier Naomi.. I’m sure your BA will look fab and you have your whole life to enjoy them 🙂

    Hi Blue*eyes..waves.

    The surgeon that I am seeing on Thursday is Mr Singh but I do also have an appointment with a Mr Mehboob Ali (funny name considering his occupation) I want to try and get 3 surgeons to look at me and then I can chose the one I click with..


    candybabey 3

    Mr singh is a fab surgeon, mehboob means beloved.. Anyway bless what a long story and hey it’s never too late if you want to do something do it! I mean even to become famous you can be at any stage your life… Cool a transformation for you then, welcome to the forum from me too X

    Sian 2

    Hi Candybabey,

    have you had your surgery yet? Sorry I don’t know anything about anybody just yet.



    @Sian enjoyed your story i dont really read the really long ones lol but yours drew me in! I admire people who choose to make life changes at any stage in their life n believe your never really to late to change or do anything positive.I think its great that u lost the weight and that you recocgnise that you dont want to feel like this 4eva and despite the weight loss it hasnt changed your body shape so have decided upon this to achieve it.I hope ur recovery is smooth and it gives you what u r hoping for.I am 5 days post op after a BA xx

    A30 1

    Hi Sian, wow that is a long introduction. Good for you, ive had my children and this is why I’m now ready to have my BA done. Xx


    Aww mr singh is my surgeon. Hes loveeely x

    Sian 2

    Thanks for reading it all everyone.

    I do talk a lot. In fact my hubby is always saying…get to the point…..Oops



    Welcome!! Thanks for sharing your story with us and well done on such a great weight-loss. We’re all here if you need to chat xx


    Haha @sian i often hear myn muttering that too! X


    Hi, great story. You go for it! Whatever makes you happy. I had a ba 5 weeks ago after having 2 babies my boobs were empty! I also hate my tummy but now I have boobs I feel so much more feminine and don’t worry about my tummy as much? Xx


    @Daisy thats tru once u change something the other thing doesnt feel too bad im not happy with my stomach either x


    I’ve never had a flat stomach and after 2 big babies I have extra skin but I just think well I can breathe in! Now I have lovely boobies so the last thing my husband is looking at is by belly lol


    Me too 2 big babas and extra roll i need to tone up but its not bad xx


    , Hi Sian

    I’m 47 and had a BA and uplift on 08 October 2013. My figure has been up, up and down and my boobs were empty after childbirth and breastfeeding. Made the decision to have op in May this year and saw surgeon. Decided to have it done in October because of work commitments and my son is 12 so still needs day to day care as my husband works away.

    I’m really pleased with my results. I did think about a TT as well but decided against as I’m not that concerned. 6 weeks post op and I’m healing really well.

    Hope you get sorted.


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