Shiny marks on my boobs?? Started by: Jo

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  • Jo

    Hi. I’m 10 days post op and I have just noticed that I have shiny areas if skin on the top of my boobs. Is this the start of stretch marks? Are u allowed to use any creams on them? I’m really worried now. Anyone else had this or know what it is? Xxx


    The shiny skin is where your skin it stretched tight, once you start to drop and fluff the shinyness will go. Creams don’t actually stop stretch marks as they are deep in to the layers of your skin, whether you get them or not is more to do with your genetics than anything else. Creams only get through the top layer of the skin so sadly an’t prevent or repair stretch marks but they can lighten them and make them considerably less noticeable if you do get them( however what you’re nitcing here are not strech marks yay!) . I find Palmers Coco butter great, you can rub the cream in the top part of your breast just avoid the incision area. Hope this helps x


    The top part of my bandages came loose earlier and I have five red lines over the tops of my boobs and I’m so upset ! They look like long thin such marks but they are red like they have been bleeding
    I get my bandages off tomorrow so I’m going to ask what they are xx


    It sounds like they’re just marks from the strapping ect, nothing to worry about x

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