Student – What are my options for paying for BA? Started by: jmc89

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  • jmc89

    I am a student at uni n have my first consultation next week – I’m just a bit worried about how I am going to pay for the surgery – I’m going to save as much as I can but I will need to either get a loan or go through finance with MYA but I don’t know if they will let me with being a student.Can anyone give me any advice?


    Hi i was accepted by flm loans for 3000 im sure they will accept you they said yes to me an i have really bad credit you need a guarantor tho . So i scrapped that idea an been pre payin since march paid 1100 deposit an what i could each month only owe 800 now first medical loans who mya use also will prob let you have one with a guarantor an everyone else on here with tesco . Get your 500 discount of www.
    An if you can get day case it drops the price another 250 x


    Also have a look at Www. Myfreeimplants . Com .some girls on here have used it x

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