so unhappy Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    so I had an uplift without implants last year, not with mya as they were booked up for when I wanted the op, I really wish i’d just waited, the uplift didn’t work, they dropped after 2 months, my incisions opened and now I have scars 5cm wide. one nipple is significantly bigger than the other and theres no upper fullness. so I saw the surgeon again today who says the shape of my breasts are fine, and that I can’t have upper fullness or a normal looking breast. for upper fullness I need an implant but he says I can’t have them because it adds extra weight, but he said I can chose to have implants in the future. he says he can make the smaller nipple bigger by making more incisions, and that I only need scar removal and not an uplift, and that they won’t drop a second time because they’ve already dropped once, but if they do, he can just keep lifting them.

    they won’t give me my money back and I definitely don’t have confidence in my surgeon to fix this this or believe what he’s saying as it makes no sense, other surgeons have told me completely different things and gave me other options. but I don’t have money for another op. I really don’t know what to do.

    I really wish I’d gone with another company, any advice? x


    @kathryn I would suggest coming to mya. I’ve spent years researching and they always come out on top. How about you make a few appointments with some mya surgeons and see what they say? Sorry you have had trouble wit your other surgeon. Doesn’t sound like he really knows what he’s on about tbh.. xxx

    kathryn 1

    Hi happyme I would love to just go to mya, I really liked the surgeon, Mr Mounir that I met there, they were my first choice but because they were booked up I went with somewhere else, i’ve been to see a few surgeons post op for advice. the problem is the money, I can’t afford another op, and I can’t get finance or a loan now, I could only afford to pay for this once. I really don’t know what to do x

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