4 week post op, incision red and itchy Started by: ash

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  • ash

    I am 4 weeks post op and been using tape over the incisions since the op, changing it every 3-4 days butbsince yesterday one incision has become red, sore and itchy, its mainly just below the incision. Iv taken the tape off to let the air get to it, but guess I will have to put it on again? As meant to use it for 6 weeks. Anyone else had this? X


    Hi Hun .what tape are u using. ? I’m 10 days post op and had my dressings off but frightend of my bra catching on them so was gonna put a dressing back on myself xxx


    I would give the nurse a call or see your GP, the itching and redness could be an allrgery to the tape or a small scar infection, it’s key to catch these things early. I’ve used the micropore tape method both times and never had any issues x

    Sarah, it’s micropore tape, you can get it in the chemist, if you keep it over you scars it stops the scars getting raised and lumpy, change every 4 days or so or any time it gets wet. Putting dressings on them isn’t advisable as you need to get air to them. Waterproof dressings are good to use when showering for the first few weeks but otherwise just tape is advised.



    Aww thanks for the advice Hun . I’ll get some micro tape .i feel like now there’s no dressing on if I move they will come open lol xxx


    I get what you mean, it’s like a security blanket! x

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