8 days post op stabbing pains? Uploaded new pic Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 1

    Iv had nearly 9 full days being strapped up now and getting very impatient, just peeled it back a little and already in love with them so I’m really excited now!! Have uploaded a pic.
    I’ve been a bit unlucky and had a fair bit of pain with mine which has got better but now I’m getting frequent stabbing/sharp pains where my incisions are beneath the strapping. Is this normal?? Should I be worried???
    J xx

    Becky 1

    can i add jess? Im having my op in feb! xx

    Jess 1

    Of course Hun have accepted 🙂 bet u can’t wait!! x

    Becky 1

    literally so excited!!! But stressing about size! U look like me pre op and I’m only having 410s.. so stressful picking a size! cannot believe use done 9 days with that strapping, thats the bit I’m dreading! Yours look fab!! such a good size xx

    Jess 1

    Thanks! Well by feb you will see my 6 week post op pics so il keep u updated!
    Size is a tricky one but you gotta think about your body shape I have big hips and ass so I wanted a bigger size to balance me out and the surgeon agreed. I think the surgeons are quite good at suggesting a size for you if you’re not sure.
    At some point il post a full body shot so you see what I mean about my shape 🙂 x

    AllyH 2

    Hi Jess, I’m sure it’s perfectly normal. I seem to be getting more pains now at day 7 than I was at day 4 and I just had overs. I researched and the pain can do that apparently and I read that they ease mostly by 14 days, but some twinges may be felt for months. When do you get the strapping off? x

    Jess 1

    Ok thanks hopefully it’s all ok, I get my strapping off tomorrow (Monday) so i will see what the nurse says then!
    When I had my drains taken out in hospital the nurse got the surgeon to have another look cos the right was very painful and she thought it felt hard. He seemed to think it was ok (but can’t say he checked very thoroughly) but it is the right one I get most stabbing pains in which is a bit concerning. Have to wait and see I guess :/ x

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