So im 12days PO n the spots every1 goes on about seem to be creepin up on me.. I feel like I have chicken pox lol.. someone please tell me they don’t last long xx
Asif @Chanel I just started other day n im only two weeks tomor. I actually look like got chicken pox on boobs bottom of bk n shoulders lol.. awful I hope dont last too long its so hard not to pick them aswell ha.. u bk to ya normal self now then n still happy with results so far? X
Loads of girls go on just cover incisions really well. I heard the reason for them is cos ur body realises theres a forgein object in it so it’s flushing you out basically lol dunno if this is true but cant think of any other reason xx
Hahaha @AllyH damn it!!! Yeh it’s mad! Can’t wait to give these babies a good scrub and foam!
I’m still bathing in shallow baths with a bra and vest top on then washing them after with a flannel and hot soapy water!
Such a wimp haha xx