Stretch marks under nipples!!!!!! Started by: pinkfly7

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    So i’ve just noticed this now as I was having a wash ..
    Both sides I have white stretch marks starting under both nipples … Is this normal!!…
    I’m panicking now about the rest of them, Is it to early to start moisturising the boobs on the top as my skin does still feel really tight ….

    Also just to throw it in there, Now my feelings coming back my nipples are soooooooOOOoOoooOOOOoooo sore from rubbing on my macom! Suprised they’ve not fell off!

    Francesca -1

    It’s perfectly normal to get stretch marks, your skin has had to stretch to make room for the implant and such a rapid stretching causes red lines which will fade to silver with time, nothing to be alarmed about xx

    ayshababy 5

    totally normal,thats where my stretchmarks were too they faded now n cant see them atall (i used bio oil and lush therapy massage bar) i started using that on top of my boobs nowhere near the scars the day after my op! but obviously dont go near ur scars til ur nurse says u can at ur 6wk check. xx my nips were sooo sore i had to put cotton pads in my bra lol xx


    thanks @francessca xxxx

    im doing exactly the same now!! Ha Ha if you could see me with these pads under my macom looks like Ive got nipple tassles on!!

    Do you know what though the marks Ive noticed are white?? This must mean they are old ones from when they ballooned with the babies, I just must have never have noticed them before they got so small!! ….

    Bye the way @ayshababy your pics are amaze!

    ayshababy 5

    thankyou! @pinkfly7 yeh i noticed some silver/white marks on my sideboob at first and it must of been from pre op just as we was growing up! x

    Sarah -2

    Hey girls! Does the dr tell you to massage your breasts at all? To prevent hardening? X

    Hayley -1

    You and your nipple tassels haha!! I have them to and just didn’t notice them when my boobs were satsuma size!! I’ve been using bio oil on the tops since my strapping came off! And I’m with you on the soreness…any tips anyone?! x


    I had stretch marks after about 4 weeks. They were purple/pink and looked horrible. But I’ve been using bio-oil every day and they are fading nicely! x

    AllyH 2

    I noticed exactly the same yesterday Pink. White stretch mark – just on one booblet so far, though I do remember my surgeon commenting I had very little in the way of stretch marks when I first saw him. Hopefully they’ll sort themselves out

    PS love reading your posts, you make me giggle xx

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