Recovery time?? Started by: karina

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  • karina

    Hi girls. I’m booked for my op on jan 4th. Am terrified about how long it will take me to recover. I’ve got two small children and it will be awful not being able to interact with them. Can you all let me know how quickly you recovered and could do normal daily tasks


    I’m day 4 and now back to normal.. Everyones different though xx

    AllyH 2

    I’m day 11. Had overs though, so in theory I should be quick recovering. The pain was better than I expected for the first 3-4 days and I could go to the loo and walk about gingerly. I needed help to dress, get in and out of the shallow bath, wash my hair over the bath etc. Since then I’ve never been in pain as such just a fair amount of discomfort at times. I could brush my hair, dress myself by day 5 and today I managed to shower and wash my hair ok. I just go everything more slowly and carefully. Sleeping’s not good, but I’m an insomniac at the best of times. I haven’t got young children, but if they’re old enough to explain that mummy’s got a poorly chest, or arms, or whatever you feel okay to tell them so they understand you cant hug them as normal for maybe a week maybe?. Good luck xx.


    3 days and I it myself out of bed tides while house and was fine washed my hair by myself could get myself dressed but struggled to sit up but once I was on my feet I was fine x

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