Things to pack! Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    I am off out to do a nice big shop so kiddies and partner have everything they need for a good week 🙂 what would any of you girls suggest i take to the hospital with me as a must, I’m thinking face wipes but do they need to be anti-septic? Mags, dressing gown, slippers etc anything else? Also I have got my mum coming with me now as yes at 31 I still need my mummy LOL! Otherwise I really think I would back out I am so scared of the unknown its a joke! 3 days to go! <3 xx

    Vicky -2

    Hi Gemma, there are suggestions for packing and aftercare in boobie bible (2nd link down on the left) it’s a really good section, but I packed loose comfortable clothes that were easy to get in to like a button up Cardy and a zip up hoody. Um…a sports bra just in case. As some surgeons leave you in bandages and some don’t. Lip balm! Got really dry lips after surgery. A pillow for the journey home . Oh and antiseptic wipes is a good idea too 🙂

    Polina 1

    I didnt use my dressing gown, sleepwear or sleepers. when I arrived I got changed into there dressinggown, paper knickers and op socks and stayed like that over night and until I went home. if u have neck pillow I would reccomend that for ur stay and journey home. I didnt use my v pillow in the car I didnt know where to put it, but its very useful now im at home in bed. also dont forget ur charger for the phone 🙂 thats if u r like my who cannot put the thing down. take lots of photos just for yourself. it will be interesting to look at them later x good luck. u will be fine. its not as bad as I thought plus ill have ur mum there x


    I didnt bother with dressing gown or slippers.
    I went up in comfy clothes, leggings, uggs and a zippy jacket, sat in that till I went to theatre when I changed to hospital gown, tights etc anand I stayed in that gown till I went home, putting leggings and hoody on. Didnt bother with make up, as thats gotta come off for surgery and the next day when I left I was so stiff that couldnt even face putting make up on again.
    Defo tooth brush, lip balm, face wipes and moisturiser and comfy clothes.
    Also a full sgave, shower, hair wash is a must before as it’ll be a while before you can easily have one again without help. Yesterday 9 days PO was my first shower, hair wash, all done unaided by my bf. Lol. He’s been helping to shower and wash me lol xx


    Thank you hunnie 🙂 I am most defo not bothering with make up lol, as long as I feel clean I will be ok hahaaaa do not care what I look like lol xx

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