Rhino and Glasses Started by: Emily

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  • Emily

    Hey everyone, I had my pre-op yesterday (exciting!) and I was told that after my surgery I’m not allowed to wear my glasses for 4 months! I only need them for driving to and from work (about half an hour a day in total) and I was wondering if anyone knew a way around this? I’ve bought the lightest glasses possible and I was thinking I could put a layer of sponge or something on the bridge of my nose for the glasses to sit on so that it wouldn’t put too much pressure on my lovely new nose. Do you think this would be ok? I obviously don’t want to ruin it after spending all that money on it.
    Thanks girls 🙂

    Naomi 1

    Hey I’ve got the same problem have you thought about contacts just why you recover? Xx


    U can buy daily contact lenses that u can just throw away everyday there easy to wear and once uv got a new nose u might prefer them instead of glasses. I use both but I’m having my rhino done soon n will def just use contacts xx

    Naomi 1

    I have rugby shaped eyeballs (there is a name for it but can’t remember) so unsure if I can use contacts 🙁 going to have to go into spec savers tomorrow and find out. only 3 more sleeps can’t wait 😀 @kayjade!! How did your consultation go? Xxx


    Ahh really my sister has them one of her eyes but u can get them specially made she uses monthly ones but they are around £25 per month but might be worth a try eh? Oh my god I bet ur sooo excited, I can’t sleep I keep thinkin about when I get mine done n constantly checking on here for others. U got any worries? Iv got the wrong mon haha I’m so ditzy it’s 3rd feb now seems too far away eek @naomi xxx

    Naomi 1

    Yeah I’ll have to ask about them….aw no really not too far away though 🙂 it flys I thought it would feel like forever but so far it’s gone really quick…erm I’ve been trying not to think about anything negative just how happy I will be to get my new nose but I’m sure on the day I will have tons of worries running through my head. How about you ? Yeah I am wanted this for so long….xxxx

    Zoe 1

    Hi Emily I wouldn’t risk putting glasses on after rhino your nose is gonna be swollen and delicate after surgery and it can take months for it to heal and to get strong again esp if your having open rhino. I’m nearly a year post op and I still hardly put any pressure on my nose x

    Naomi 1

    Yeah I was the same as soon as you meet him and he shows you and explains what he can do for you it will just make you more excited 🙂 i know il put some before pics on tomorrow …. I don’t think I will sleep very well on Friday night .xxxx


    Hi girls, I’ve heard really lite glasses that can be taped up so they put no pressure on your nose is an option – but who wants to look like Jack Duckworth hey?!! x


    I did think about contacts but I wouldn’t be able to wear them at work so it would mean putting them in to drive to work then taking them out when I got there then putting them in again to go home. I tried out my sponge idea and I literally can’t feel any pressure on my nose as I don’t push the glasses down on my nose properly I just use the sponge/foam as something for the glasses to sit on. It makes me look like a right knob but I don’t know what else to do 🙁

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