Hospital! Started by: Jess Pixie

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    Hey girls! Just wondering, are you allowed to take 2 people to the hospital with you or just the 1? Was just wondering haha, thanks ladies! Xxx

    AllyH 2

    Can’t see why you couldn’t take 2, but just check with them. There were two chairs and a bed in my room 🙂


    I think I might just have to ring them! It’s not like I’m going to be bringing 20 people haha. Thank you lovely xxx

    Naomi 1

    What hospital are you going to I took my dad and sister and they were completely fine about it they said they could wait in my room why I had surgery and stay till 10 (they didn’t they just dropped me off) but still they are pretty nice about it I was at bridgewater hospital in Manchester xx


    Thanks Naomi! I’m going to First Trust in Preston, I think they’ll be okay with it but I’m going to ring them just to make sure haha xxx


    I took 2 to Preston cxx


    Ooohhh thanks Emma! I think I might just bring them both anyway, it’s not like there will be loads of people in my room haha xxx

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