weight worries!!! Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 19

    Sorry me again haha, is there a certain weight you need to be over? On the phone they asked me my height and weight and worked out my BMI and told me that’s fine! But I just weighed myself and I’ve lost weight… so I worked out my bmi online and I’m now classed as underweight 🙁 I’m a small person anyway, 5ft2 sizes 6 and 8! haven’t really changed weight for years always been between 6st12 and 7st no matter how much I eat! Just really worried now incase you need to have a bmi over underweight 🙁


    Ahh I’m not too sure but I have a friend whooshes similar stats to you and she had a succesful BA 2 years ago :). Hope this help x


    *whos* silly auto correct 😉

    Amy 19

    @logansrunner haha I didn’t even notice that until you just corrected it hehe 😀 ahhh I hope so!!! my bmi is bloody 17.9 >:(

    Also to add to my post, my weight is 7stone! 🙁 so anyone that’s similar to that or know someone similar let me know 🙂


    My friend is teeny tiny and always being told she needs to put weight on. She eats like a horse and quite unhealthily but never puts weight on. Hopefully it won’t be an issue for you either x

    Amy 19

    @logansrunner hopefully 🙂 it’s getting me all worked up now haha xx


    You’ll be fine 🙂 x

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