410 + 380! Scared not big enough Started by: SachaLowe

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  • SachaLowe 3

    Hi Girls!
    I know i have said this before but my BA is on Tuesday and I’m so worried that having a 410 in one and 380 in another is not going to be big enough and I’m going to be really gutted and want to go bigger 🙁

    Does anyone have any advise?! x


    All I can say Sacha is you have to trust what ur surgeon says and everyone turns out differently remember that! It confuses me too cause some people have had the same size implant as me but weight more etc have gone like from A-D/DD but ATM I don’t feel big at all but I am only two days post op and they change so much! So I am slightly worried myself but I also originally I told my surgeon I wanted a full D poss Dd and since my initial consultation I became stuck on wanting to be a Dd or even E just recently before my surgery (think that’s from reading so much about girls saying they look smaller-which I didn’t no at the beginning) but as long as u told him exactly what u want I am sure he will do his best to make u that size Hun xx as for myself I hope I get the DDs I dream of still haha xx

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