Preston? Started by: Katrina

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  • Katrina

    Any1 had there BA done at Preston? If so what are they like? I’m having mine on the 28th march can’t wait!!! Xxx

    Gemma -1

    Preston is Fab hunni 🙂 The staff are all lovely and cant do enough for you and a really nice hospital xxx


    Aw that’s great thanks Hun when did you have yours done? Xx

    Gemma -1

    2 weeks yesterday 🙂 Not too long for you now xx


    I agree with Gemma, had my surgery there last Tues and the staff are really friendly and nice, its a good choice 🙂 excited much?! Xx


    I’m here now, had mine done at 5.30, I’m the only overnight case in at the minute and the nurses have been a
    Amazing running about after me, absolutely lovely. It’s a long wait so fetch magazines I’ve read 3 today and that was before I got seen. Maybe bring snacks as I didn’t get seen Til late the chef had left so tea was only a sandwich but hopefully if you have an earlier admission time you won’t be waiting as long. My admission time was 11.30 but the anethetist took poorly so they had to wait Til 4pm for a replacement. The hospitals lovely and peaceful too. I’m an overnight case so getting a sleeping tablet soon so I’m thinking I’ll have an amazing sleep, the beds are so comfy lol!xxx


    How you feeling Kayleigh? x


    Feel totally fine just tired now, no actual pain so haven’t had any painkillers yet, it just feels like I have a really tight bra or corset on!! Good thing about Mr Traynor is that he hasn’t used all that strapping, I just have the two sticky bits under my boobs! So glad as my friend had mr Mounir and he used strapping and she said it was so painful to remove like a gigantic bra sized plaster!!xxx


    Yeah I was chuffed he only used the sticky plasters too, looks painful being strapped up. Ah glad you feel good hun, I felt fine after mine too and to be fair, the pain has never really come for me thankfully. I’ve felt the tightness and the odd twinge but so far really happy with my recovery. Just can’t believe they are mine!! Xx


    I’ve just been given some tramadol even though I’ve had no pain. How are u finding sleeping sat up? I’m glad I’ve had some sleeping tablets from them too as it’s not the comfiest of positions to sleep!!xxx

    Jayde 1

    Nurse said even if we don’t have pain Kayleigh to keep taking them regular to prevent the pain 🙂 and yes Preston is great I’ve just left there today, same day as Kayleigh! Mr traynor is amazing! Happy happy happy xx


    Yeah I had 2 tramadol last night and 1 this morning Jeeeze I was away with the fairies! They look so much better this morning I’m actually in love haha gonna put some more pics on now before I leave hospital 🙂 amazing ppl here and an amazing surgeon, best thing ever so any ladies having any doubts…. Don’t!! You will love it!!!xxx

    Laura 13

    Thats great to hear your good experiences. Im having an overnight stay in Preston in just over 4 weeks. Do they have free wifi there?


    At at Preston in 3wks with Mounir, so excited!!!! Eeeek xxx


    19days for me … its starting to get real!!!!! xx


    Hi Laura, they have wifi but you have to pay £5 for it 🙂 xxx

    Laura 13

    Oh ill just save my mobile internet allowance. Hopefully ill get a good sognal in the hospital.


    I had BA and uplift at Preston with Mr Traynor last October, I was only overnight case too and was so well looked after. The next day my husband was travelling from Newcastle to collect me and I was allowed to stay in my room til he got there. Nothing was a bother. Everyone made me feel comfortable.

    Laura 13

    Thats good to hear.

    What was your admission time? And what time did your husband come to collect you the next day?


    This thread has made me soo excited for mine next month now! 🙂 happy healing Kayleigh!


    You will love the experience it’s exciting!! I’m 10 days PO now and so happy!! Just need to go back go Newcastle clinic next week for my second post op appointment to have my stitches trimmed down then I’m done with appointments.
    Good luck 🙁 xxx


    I’m at Preston 2 weeks 2day so excited/nervous! X


    I’ve had my ba today at Preston with mr mounir and can’t recommend it highly enough. The staff are fantastic made me feel so relaxed. I have 380cc unders particals and they look amazing dr mounir is a god in my eyes 🙂 xxx

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