Can you sleep on your front again post op? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hello everyone. Just still a bit worried about the whole sleeping situation post op. I think I can cope with sleeping up right immediately after, but I was just wondering if a month or so down the line you can go back to sleeping on your front? Or will it damage the boobs? I’m starting to get paranoid that the reason my natural boobs are so awful is because I’ve always slept on my front and now they look really far apart & saggy haha. I just don’t know if I can train myself to sleep any other way. Xx

    Chelsea 1

    I got told you can sleep on your front from around 4 weeks but only if you feel comfortable doing so. I slept upright for the first 8 days then gradually got lower until I was sleeping on my back. I’m now 18 DPO & am sleeping on my side but with a very soft pillow between my boobs and my mattress lol x


    Hey huni I’m a front sleeper had a uplift and implants and started slept in my front when it was comfy for me too but I have to put one arm under my twins to support them x


    Thank you 🙂 I’m sure I’m worrying about nothing. I really have no other worries other than the sleeping situation. I need sleep lol xx

    Chelsea 1

    I know how you feel. That first week was horrid, my butt was constantly numb from being sat up lol xx


    Awwww it was so poo having to lie upright also I had to get a big sausage pillow to go across my bed so I could put my legs over it so I didn’t slide down off my v pillow which was a big help x


    I’ve ordered so many pillows to get me through lol I need to get a sausage pillow as well 🙂 xx

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