How to do rice test Started by: Stephanie

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  • Stephanie 1

    Sorry ladies,

    Can some one please explain how I do the rice test having 525scui on July with Gary traynor.

    Thanks ladies.

    CRx -1

    I did it today as recieved my first 2 sports bras… i’m having 510 13th May with Gary Traynor… Measure out 510 grams of rice, i poured into the bottom of one foot of a tight, cut the excess of and tie as neatly as possible (so there isn’t a lump) then place in your sports bra… I don’t know if thats the right way, just how i thought you would do it and then i put a top on to see what it would look like (as obviously it covers your natural boobs so looks weird and can’t see the true effect of it) if you get me xx

    CRx -1

    if i’m doing it wrong hopefully someone will point it out… also sorry for taking over thread but anyone that’s had their BA and done the rice test? does it give a true ‘look’ of what they will look like or did you find it completely different?? xx

    Stephanie 1

    Thanks @ CRx. I wasn’t sure if that’s how it was done.

    Are you excited??

    Ah it’s fine! Lol be nice to hear other people experience of the rice test.

    CRx -1

    i’m not 100% sure either but tights seem the best as it did mould straight into a implant shape! 😀 Stephanie i can’t explain how excited i am!! it seems so far away though, so it’s pretty annoying!! are you? and whats your stats hun, i’ve seen a few girls with 525’s on here and they are just perfect! i’m going to see what surgeon suggests anyway when I next see him!


    Stephanie 1

    I’m 5ft 9 and at min not exactly sure on weight could be any where from 9 1/2 stone to 10stone. The 525s were biggest I could go and hopefully take me up to dd/e! But who knows! They didn’t look to big tho.

    I’m an empty 34b after 3 gorgeous boys bf them all.
    Very excited, think I’m worrying about the kids, my youngest will be 20 month when I have ba and he’s a little chunk as it is.
    I know it all seems so far away but no doubt be here very soon. I’m also maid if honour for my sister in October so hoping I don’t take to long to heal! As she is waiting on me to get dresses for bridesmaids.

    CRx -1

    Ohh I’m only 5″3 and 32B now, I know what you mean I have 2 girls but only breastfed my second as first was really ill and wouldn’t take… I’ve been offered 510’s butt I’m gonna just show surgeon what I want and hopefully he can achieve it instead of a size.. And awe have you got anyone who can help? Mine are 4&5 but go childminders 8-6 and then my brother has said he will stay a week and I can stay at my mums to rest (I will see them after childminders before bed).. I think a lot of girls have managed though you will just have to have the house prepared like things in easy access etc. awe I think a good diet now and for me it’s my frame of mind that will help. I had a caesarean with my second so it can’t be as bad as that right?? 😀 😀 xxx


    Hey huni your. Doing it the right. Way I’ve told loads of girls the right way to do it over the last few weeks I’ve had few say they have been told to put rice n cling film lol x

    CRx -1

    that would be a right mess and half Ayesha, It was tricky enough weighing it out and getting it from the scale into the tights!! 😀 😀 … Ayesha, did you try the rice test? and if so, looking back to that test do you think you’ve had similar results? If mine come out anything like the ‘rice test’ I will be happy! 😀 Xx

    Stephanie 1

    My other half is going to take 10 Days off work and my sister has said she’ll will help me.
    Mine will be 7, 4 and 20 months at time of op.
    I have done the rice test and I love them. I keep playing with them! Lol. Although I keep looking at them and think they looked bigger when I tried them on in Mya.

    Suppose it’s just a rough idea! I can’t wait to have my new assets!



    It’s really strange you can never tell with the rice test if your having unders but saying that implants look different in the skin but it’s ruff idea and the closest your going to get x

    CRx -1

    Thats good then hun, least you will have support 😀 I know i kept playing with them too, but can’t remember if they where bigger/smaller than Mya.. ooo same can’t come round quick enough 😀 😀 .. and yea Ayesha 😀 i will be happy if they’re alike xx


    Ive also been told if your having unders you will lose about 10% too so when I did the rice I took the 10% away x


    I’ve just followed that guide and found it really helpful!

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