Ba offer Started by: rhi

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  • rhi

    Morning ladies. I’ve seen an offer of £2500 at the New Birkdale clinic in liverpool. Although i’m at the early stages of planning, i would like it done ASAP without jumping into anything. However the price tag and location is tempting me. anyone know of anyone or had their implants here?

    Sian 2

    Sorry I didn’t but I would like to say that before I chose MYA I shopped around. I didn’t have implants in the end, just a tummy tuck and an uplift. But I nearly went with a place that offered implants at £2000. The surgeon was great. The hospital was 20mins from my house and he was a top well spoken of surgeon. The price is plastered all over there website. When I enquired about it they said it was for no frills, standard BA with no aftercare. They did offer better ones with loads of aftercare but they were about the same price as MYA. So look at the small print and be careful. Cheap is for a reason!

    Sian 2

    I should add… you didn’t get a choice of implant. It was the surgery’s cheapest one.. They had the offer on to help girls who couldn’t afford it I suppose. Some will take the risk. It really was a well reputed hospital.


    Hi sian. Okay, thanx for that. I think i’ll arrange a consultation with a few surgeons before i commit to anything. It would be terrible to be left with something wrong and no aftercare. However it states that the 2500 package has aftercare :s I’m still in the early stages of looking things up and must admit i was really temped by the offer. I called this morning and they sounded quite friendly but i didn’t book a consultation…Yet. Like you said theres a reason for it being so cheap. 1 of their dr’s also works/worked for Mya Dr. Helena Antoniadou. I wish there were reviews somewhere on them. Thanks for the reply xx

    Kelbel 3

    Check out the implant… Ive just had a quick look and Ive not heard of that implant before so make sure its good before putting it in your body…. I’d pay the extra £1000.00 for MYA knowing all their implants are of the highest standard x


    Hi Hun. I looked into the birkdale clinic when I was planning and found a lot of bad reviews online. Please be very careful xxx


    I was so tempted by birkdale clinic! Then found out I needed an uplift too grr! But reading about it glad I didn’t! X


    Thanx ladies. Ye i think i might stay clear then. I have to say due to ease of location and price i was almost totally swayed. i will pay the extra 1k and hope and pray that i dont also need an uplift, or it will be next year on me getting them 🙁

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