:( size difference Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 19

    After seeing a post on here about natrelle measuring different to CUI, seen my PC today and I’m actually having 450 instead of 460 as the natrelle don’t come in this size! quite gutted as I feel as if they’ll be smaller even though she told me there’s no difference between them. Anyone been in a similar situation and could tell me about the different sizes ??


    Hey Amy don’t worry about them 450cc will be a nice. Size I’ve. Got them plus natrelle shape. Is very high compered to cui I’m a 36G with my 450cc It’s only 10ml less that’s not much x


    459cc is a great size that’s what I’ve just had from a 32A/small B and I am soooo happy! It’s just fab and you’ll be so glad xxx

    Amy 19

    thanks girls, just not really looked at many 450! always been looking for pictures of 460 🙁 only got 12 days to go! xxxx

    Nicole 1

    10cc is literally two spoonfuls of 5ml medicine. It’s tiny. You won’t beable to notice any difference. Measure it out and see. 110-150cc is a cup size so it literally is less than tenth of a cup size! Please don’t worry over that they will be perfect!

    Laura 13

    yer no difference at all with 450 and 460.

    other way round for me biggest cui I was offered was 295 and biggest natrelle I was offered was 325

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