scars Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    Hi girls, well im 6 days PO today and I went for my week follow up (I know one day early) anyway I got to see the scars, I am really impressed how neat they are but on my right boob I have a little bit of a lip on it like the skin isn’t stitched flat. I asked the nurse and she said it will settle down and its just because all the stiches hadn’t dissolved down yet (I could feel the stiches still inside when I touched the scar) have any other girls had this cos I am really nervous that it wont heal flat 🙁 xx

    Francesca -1

    when i was 13 i had my pelvis destroyed in a horse riding accident and had to have 2 metal bars sticking out from my bone to outside of me through two large holes for 6 weeks, if they managed to heal flat then a tiny scar like yours will xx

    Sian 2

    I’m covered in scars and stitches as I had a tummy tuck and breast uplift and my nipples had to be moved. At 6 days I had my strapping off and hubby took photos. It’s amazing.. I had terrible puckering, folds and dimples. I thought omg what has he done, i’m going to need revision surgery..
    Im so glad hubby took the photos to I can look back at my progress.

    The puckering is all but flat. The folds and lumps have gone. I have a few dimples in my boobs still and tt scar and occasionally a stitch pokes up through my skin as my body rejects them and they fall out. Then it goes flat in that area

    Im so happy with my flat scaring. Give it time. Im 6wks post op tomorrow


    Oh thank you so much girls for putting my mind at rest! Its definitely like a fold I’d say and I can feel the lump of stitching inside so I thought it would be that but ive never had a op or anything so I was panicking. I did get my other half to take one but I got him to delete it cos I didn’t like it (worse angle ever!).
    OMG Francesca, what happened. My mum came off her horse last year and fractured 3 vertebrae in her back, shes all healed now and back on the horses! xxx

    Francesca -1

    the horse i was on spooked and bolted, he tripped and did a rotational and landed on top of me and got cast xx


    wow what a bad accident. Hope you didnt have any lasting damage. Scary stuff. Luckily I only ever dislocated my elbow coming off a horse, back in the day when mobiles weren’t popular, my mum slipped it back into place, got me back on the horse and I had to ride a mile back to the stables. It was a Friday and my mum was like im not taking you to A&e tonight it will be full of drunks haha! So I had to wait! still love horse tho, just wish I had time and money for one, just need to win the lottery and have my own detached house with land so its cheaper lol xx

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