Ugly lumpy scars opinions please! Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 1


    Worried about my scars. Looked at other girls and mine seem really big, long, wonky, and ugly. They are really lumpy to look at and feel. I don’t think they are infected or anything but I look like I’ve been slashed. The pics I have seen from others girls look neat and tidy and disappear to nothing!

    Can any of my post op friends or those medically trained have a look at the pictures and tell me what they think. Are they normal?

    Cheers ( just feeling like a hypocrit as I told someone not to worry about their personal issues on result and here I am obsessing about mine! 🙁 …..

    Nicole 1

    Anyone? Are they that bad?

    candybabey 3

    Hey just had a quick peep compared to day 9 post op and day 11 post op, I can see improvements with your scar it seems as tho your wearing your sports bra which is digging into your incision area which is putting pressure on there giving the appearance of a more lumpier scar!… It will go down its early stages yet and it is swollen it will look better x

    Nicole 1

    it does seem really creased under there like it’s rubbing but wearing the macom and it doesn’t seem to be touching the incision s…..perhaps I have boob wrinkles!
    Hoping it gets better seems to look awful to the others I’ve seen!

    Nicole 1

    Meant to say thanks for looking…got interrupted x

    candybabey 3

    Boob wrinkles lol
    No problem sweet, no I get what you mean but mine would seem as tho it wasn’t touching the incision but where I took it off they’ll be marks where the macom would put pressure on or. Around my incisions I got pics of some my.before and after incisions you can have a peek to put your mind at ease x

    Nicole 1

    Wow by 11 weeks they were almost invisible.
    I’m hoping you are right about the does actually touch the incisions but the bands not rubbing. I feel like I have a dent or ripple underneath but trying not too stress too much as it’s underneath and can’t really see it. Well boobs hardly move at the moment so I can’t see properly ..if not I’ll blame wrinkles and put some anti wrinkle cream on them lol!


    Hey babe. My right one is lumpy its like its got a fold and the two sections of skin weren’t stitched flat. I had this dilemma last week when I got shown them. The nurse said they’ll go down. Reached high today and pulled and I have a bit of fresh blood on the steristrip. Back to the nurse on thurs tho so fingers crossed they will be ok xx the only prob I have is extreme tenderness around the top of my implant. 🙁 Xxx


    Mine looks same as yours. But I’ve noticed that sometimes my macom and other sport bras are staying on them so probably this doesn’t help either.


    haven’t seen yours but I had an uplift and ba and im mixed race so had a chance of keloids, but 2 years later mine are flat and darkened but fading . don’t worry. I should post some new pics.. xxx

    Nicole 1

    Thanks girls…makes me feel better.
    Annelis good to hear in a way as we were same day same surgeon.
    Hope u get sorted soon Amy x
    And thanks for comment Laura am I ok to add you please.

    But Annelis do u feel they are bigger than some of the others? It’s the wrinkles and creases and lumps that bother me as if weight of implant is pushing it out!

    candybabey 3

    Aww thanks hun ye they are now completely faded now and I’m coloured skin so on my images at 11weeks they look slightly dark but even then they had faded into a hair line can’t see, my surgeon said how fast I had healed and that for me was such a big issue as pre op my main concern was the scarring more than the size…and that is how yours should hopefully heal into. If you usually scar less your incision will heal pretty much the same…the dent that you describe is normal it’s just the bottom of the implant where it has settled it should smoothen out

    Nicole 1

    Thanks Candybabey ! Fingers crossed just hard to visualize how they will fade at the moment when they look so big and ling x


    Hey with my uplift and implants I was told off a breast cancer surgeon to rub E45 in to the scarring quite firmly in small circler movements with two fingers as he said this will smooth out the scarring inside and out it worked well for me x

    Nicole 1

    Actually yes I had a knee operation and was advised to massage the scar….do you know when u can do it on the breast? I’m only day 12 at the moment c


    I was told off nurse to leave a few weeks but the surgeon. Said soon as the scabs. Are dry Best tip I’ve be told as I worried. About the scarring but year and just over they looking. Ok oh yeah and anther thing we get told to bio oil but johnsons have. Brought out skin perfecting oil for sttretch marks it boosts skin elasticity and has enriched conditioning oil and vitamin E and it’s really good. I’ve been using this for 2months. Now and it a Knicks the shocks off bio oil and it’s only about £2. In home. Bargings but it maybe a little more in boots x

    Nicole 1


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