Side boob pain… Anyone? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls so I’m now 6 days PO and recovery up until now has been steady. I went shopping yesterday unfortunately couldn’t carry my on handbag/ shopping bags.. Woke up this morning and the side of my right boob is really sore. It seems too high the be the drains.. Does anyone have any pics of their drain entry sites? The pain is awful. To the point I dread getting out of bed. Help!!.

    Nicole 1

    Oh no! Did you lay on the side last night? I have been finding they really hurt in the mornings and loosen up through the day? See if some ice or frozen peas calms it down.


    Nope! But I do end up laying flatter as I slide down my 8 pillows haha!! Pain started last night ish! This morning was worse. I really wanted to go see the girls this evening in our local champagne bar!!! ( DW I’m not drinking haha) not sure if that’s gonna happen. What clinic are you at nicole? I have my PO app Monday. Scared- I wonder if strapping hurts x

    Nicole 1

    I’m Chelmsford clinic. I’m day 11 now. I did find the strapping really uncomfortable and it really cut me to pieces. I looked like I’d been whipped under my arms. Mainly now unless they are bumped or I do something to strain them ie lifting something or reaching I am not really in pain. I feel like I have really bad sunburn on them and the bra is rubbing it….so sore sensitivity in the bits that are not numb!

    Dose up on the painkillers and have a good night out showing off your new shape! X

    Nicole 1

    Just check if you can under strapping boobs not really hot or red. Or you are not feeling rough with temperature. If yes call emergency nurse.


    Hey nicole, you angel! How can I check? Do You mean removing it?

    Nicole 1

    Don’t remove it, may affect aftercare. should be able to feel through it for heat. If it’s not hot any redness would prob be down to strap? But any concerns call nurse.

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