Getting finance Started by: Vicky

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  • Vicky

    I’m booked at the Leeds clinic soon, just wanting to know if anyone had difficulties getting the finance I do have a £1000 deposit and the lady on the phone said she couldn’t see a problem but I just find it annoying going for consultations and not knowing whether be able to get finance or not! My credit isn’t great


    Hey I’m worried I’m not going to get accepted for the finance either, I’m trying to see if I can get a loan through a different bank just in case, I should have about 2,000 to put down but my credit isn’t the best either, have you met with any surgeons yet?


    No not at mya, other places I have.
    Seeing PC on Saturday so fingers crossed I know some people have been accepted even with bad credit or didn’t think they would get credit so I guess it’s a case of wait and see.
    Will keep you posted on what happens but thanks for replying x

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