On the day? Started by: Amelia

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  • Amelia

    My BA isn’t until 28th April but I want to be prepared haha, what do I need to take on the day?
    I’m starting to get really nervous now! I’m hoping he pain isn’t as bad as I’m thinking it will be 🙁


    Mine is on the 26th I’m a day case so I’m thinking I don’t actually need to take much!! I’m having a local with sedation I’m more scared about that then the pain xx


    I’m a day case too biut I’m not sure if I need to take any documents etc! Ooo good luck 🙂 xx


    I think a form of Id!! When your pc calls you with you admission time ask her then double check all the questions you want answers to make a list just incase you forget 🙂 who’s doing your op xx


    Yeah that’s a good idea 🙂 mr mounir what about you? Xx

    India 6

    I was a day case, I took magazines, ipod, snacks and a onesie and front closing shirt – turned out I didn’t need them as i was in my room at 12 and gowned up and in theatre at 1 so hardly had to wait around at all! But sometimes it takes longer … for me the pain was fine, i was very lucky, worst days were 5 and 6 but other than that ive got away very lightly hah aa xx

    Laura 13

    Dont worry enjoy it. I havnt been in pain just discomfort/tightness

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