Is one boob always bigger then the other Started by: jade

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  • jade

    I’ve seen a lot of girls complaining about one boob being bigger and in some pictures there is a big difference just wondering if there all like that to start with then are the same don’t want to pay a lot of money for something that I’m not going to b happy with! X

    Laura 13

    Its quite normal with natural boobs to have one bigger than the other. Pre op one of mine was slightly bigger than the other but surgeon said it was pointless to use different size implants as it was only slight difference. Post op and I think they are both the same size? Take a look at my pics.


    I was worried about this, I told the surgeon when I met with him last and now I’m having 2 different sizes to make them more even xx


    I’m 10 data PO and one is bigger than the other but it’s normal they will go the same size. You need to treat them as individual not as a pair one heals before the other that’s what I’ve been told x

    Amy 19

    it’s normal to start with, i was worried about this as yesterday i took a photo (i’m 4 days post op now) and one is noticeably bigger than the other, but the bigger one has also dropped slightly too making it look bigger and uneven. i was the same as laura, one was always bigger before but there wasn’t a big enough difference between the two to start with for me to have 2 different implant sizes and he also said its near enough impossible to get two boobs exactly the same size! 🙂 i’ve uploaded a photo if you want to have a look 🙂 xxx


    Mine were slightly uneven before the op and at the moment my left is still more swollen and higher than my right but not worried yet as takes a while for your boobs to completely heal and drop and one boob usually
    Drops quicker than the other lol x

    Rose 1

    My surgeon said that almost everyone has one boob a different size to the other; after op it can sometimes emphasise this, you have to look at your boobs as two separate ops that will heal differently and change differently so I think people should try not to worry early days about things like this 🙂 xx

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