3 days off work for BA recovery (sedation and LA). Doable?? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Hi everyone, my op is on Thursday but I have to go back to work the following Monday (secondary school teacher). I am currently part time since having my children so will be at home Tues and Weds (albeit with a 4 yr old and a 2yr old and no-one to help) before having to go back to work Thurs and Fri. At least it will then be a long weekend with May Day on the Monday and my husband will be able to help with the children over the weekend…but do you think the initial 3 day recovery time is doable? For those of you that have had your BA surgery already, how many days until you felt able to get on with things? I’m hoping the fact I’m having local anaesthetic and sedation, instead of a general, might make a speedy recovery more realistic…?x

    Laura 13

    I had general anaesthetic. My ba was on a Tuesday. On the Friday I managed to go to M&S, and pizza hut. On the Saturday I managed simple housework.


    Took me a week I had general anesthetic and overs. But was really drowsy of the tablets. I’m 11 days PO and still sore x


    I’m a primary school teacher. Had mine done on Sunday. If I had to go to work I probably could have by day 5 and I had general anesthetic. 🙂 xxx


    Oh dear :-/ It would’ve been ideal if I could have had them done this week but my surgeon wasn’t available. Mostly worried about how I’m going to manage my children by myself for 2 days, but work will be tough too with being such a long day (7:30am – 6pm). Silly Emma!!
    Really appreciate your honest feedback, ladies, thank you xxx

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