Pain ever going to go away? Started by: natasha

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  • natasha

    So I’m 12 days post opp and still in a lot of pain. It seams the 4 diff make and type bras I’ve got after so long give me pain, some says I’ve changed and had the 4 diff ones on. It’s mainly my cuts, and the left hand boob at the side that’s giving me the most pain. My right breast is just the cut that hurts. I’m wondering if the pain is ever going to go. I expected to be in pain for maybe 5 days but not nearly 2 weeks. Xx

    Suzanne 4

    I was exactly same as you Natasha its only now after bout 3 weeks po that im starting to feel myself again. I wore a not so supportive thinner sports bra today as i wore something i didnt want big chunky straps on show with – big mistake! I defiantly need good support still as i get really achey. Hopefully ull start to feel better soon – it will ease but still early days yet hun xxx


    Hiya Susan thanks for your reply. I’ve tried sitting with out one on for a little bit and feel like there going to fall off haha. I’m glad that u are starting to feel a little bit more like your self. When dose the feeling start to come bk? Xx


    Have you just been resting for the first week post op? I was thinking just being in bed all week watchig dvds or is that too lazy?? What can you di post op i have my surgery tomorrow x

    Suzanne 4

    If you mean the numbness – its still really bad for me can hardly feel my breasts especially at the sides, and my nipples OMG dont think they could get any more sensitive and sore but hey they look amazing ha ha x

    Suzanne 4

    Jamie – if u can stay in bed all week then do!!! Not lazy at all, you will need to let your body recover properly and in all honesty you prob wont be able to do a lot anyway just dressing myself was so much of an effort in the first week!!! Bet your excited though – really enjoy this experience xxx


    Thanks Susan just so nervous i will just get out of bed for food and drink then hahah


    Hope all goes well Jamie. I found resting down stairs better for me, I had spd in my last 2 pregnancys and my pelvis has never really recovered from it, so find it hard just been in bed for a night, so I had one of the kids covers down stairs for the day time. But I only had chance for 2 days rest. On the 3rd day I had to take my daughter and sons to dancing had to get a taxi home, then on day 4 I managed light housework. I would just try doing what your body tells you, I’m very active person never sit down from morning till kids are in bed, so for me the first 2 days say on a sofa was my worse nightmare. Xxx

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