Keep being sick Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    I’ve been sick twice now. Once at hospital and once at home. Just in bed now. I have my strapping on but there’s a tiny bit that’s not rounded and flat? Anyone else had this?

    Francesca -1

    what meds are you on? usual cause of being sick is 1, codeine, it’s pretty strong stuff and it makes me sick, thankfully i knew this before my op and was prescribed something else, but it can make you quite ill as it’s strong. 2. it could be the anesthetic, have you had it before? if you drink plenty of water it usually pushes it out of your system quicker hun 🙂
    i wasn’t strapped so can’t comment but it could just be the strapping having an air pocket of sorts xx

    Amy 19

    like @chesca93 said, the pain meds made me sick and i knew before so they told me to stick to paracetamol and ibuprofen until i could get something else prescribed from my GP 🙂


    Hope you feel better soon Jamie x

    Suzanne 4

    It could be the dressings that are under your strapping making it appear a funny shape, I remember wen I had my strapping off one of my dressings was a lot bigger than the other side x as the other girls have already said prob jus need a change of your meds x I do hope u feel better soon xxx


    I kept throwing up after mine and the day after, when I spoke to the nurse she said it can be a side effect from the GA. Doesn’t last long though xxx


    Yeah i was sick in hospital and nurse said it was the ga they also said it took them am extra half am hour to wake me up than usual so they had to put more of what ever they put in to wake me up than usual!!

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