What to expect on the first consultation Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe

    I have my first consultation today with fenchurch PC is called keeley, has anybody had her? And what am I to expect from the first consultation?
    Also I’m around 5″6 I’m a size 8 and I finished breast feeding like 5 months ago I’m like flat chested lol. Just wondering if anybody wouldn’t mind sharing some pics so I can have a look at size.. Around my measures
    Thanks xx


    Hi, I don’t have any pics as iv yet to have my surgery but your first consultation will just be meeting your PC who will explain the procedure, show you the types of implants and some before and after picks. If you decided to want to have a consultation with the surgeon she will book you in and that’s where you will get examined and given a choice of implant sizes and get to try them on which is very exciting 🙂 xx


    Exciting! Thanks Alice xx

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