stretch marks before and after Started by: jessica duffield

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    has anyone had stretch marks before the opp… because I have them and want an idea of what they will look like after the opp?


    I had stretch marks before only had op yesterday so all strapped up. I’m getting it off next Tuesday


    Stretch marks are dependant on your skin, if you already have stretch marks chances are you will get them after ba I would start using bio oil before op and a week after (not on incisions though) stretch marks fade so I’m sure if you get them they will fade.


    I had plenty of stretch marks before my op after pregnancy. They had faded a lot by the time I had my BA so they weren’t too noticeable. They have not gotten any worse since I’ve had the op and of anything I actually think they have faded even more! Xx


    i have really bad stretch marks from pregnancy and they have not faded totally yet do you think it well effect the stretch marks I already have xx


    I had stretch marks before my op not massive ones tho but right in my cleavage area and since I’ve has my op you can’t see them at all xx


    Michaela this is were mine are… and it makes me nervous to even think about the opp because of it xx


    Everyone is different Hun I was putting bio oil on them every day up until my op. What size you going to xx

    Laura 13

    I had stretch marks before the op and they actually look better now, hardly noticeable


    I had stretch marks all over my boobs before the op from my boobs constantly changing sizes. Before hte op i was an empty C cup so the stretch marks just looks like deep lines in the skin. Or really deep wrinkles. They seriously looked aweful. Im 3 weeks PO now, i had 300/340cc unders, and my stretch marks looks great 🙂 Theyve actually stretched again but because they were frm before they’ve just gone bak to the faint silvery lines! SO im sure you’ll be fine! x


    thank you girls xx

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