Dressing post op? Started by: Jadet25

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  • Jadet25

    Maybe a strange one but will I be ok to dress mysel after op and the days following it? I am sooo worried as I am
    Not comfortable with anyone helping me! Like seriously my boyfriend has to leave the room whenever I am getting changed or anything! Real prude! Xx


    I would advise you get loose, front fassening tops shirts. I got a few check shirts from matalan. The denim shirts are all the go now too. But don’t get tight as u will struggle to bend your arms into them, also onzies for first few days for recovery. I tried to get my coat on, 3 days after and I couldn’t. Or even loose vest that u can pull up from the bottom half to the top xx


    My boyfriend had to help me do my trousers to go to the toilet, he dressed me, he had to bath me! Couldn’t have done this without his help he was amazing! Ide say definitely have everything front fastening then xx


    Oh god I better get on the hunt then for suitable clothes!!! Thank uu xx


    Leggings for the bottom half, I wear joggings jean toe and it’s only been one week post op I could pull them up as there tight xx


    I struggled getting ready you definitely can’t put your arms over your head for s week I lived in pjs ha x


    I got a few different coloured hoodies from primark (only £6) and just wore them over my sports bra with loose bottoms, leggings etc.
    I still struggle getting into some tight tops/jackets at 13 days PO x

    Laura 13

    Get front fastening tops or loose tops. I managed to drrss myself fine.

    Amy 19

    everyone’s different but my boyfriend ha to wash me, dress me, help me on the toilet too! definitely get some front fastening tops and hoodies 🙂 I’m 8 days post op and only just able to start dressing myself! I’m still struggling with pulling up tight leggings so loose trousers/joggers too 🙂 xxx


    If I can advise anything it’s buy front fastening tops and REALLY easy pants like baggy pjs or loose leggings. I couldn’t for the life of me pull my pants back up after having a wee haha my bf had to pull them up for me and forget flushing! He had to do that for me too I could barely use my arms so yeah front zipped baggy hoodies and loose pants! Xxx


    I’m only 2 days post op and I haven’t even tried to get dressed I left the hospital in my pyjs and I’m still in them now it’s so painful to do anything!!! Hope it gets better so soon hate being in bed all day long


    once your boobs come i dont think you will be as prude @jadet25 🙂 you wont wana hide as much be proud! this is what I am hoping for when i get mine with my other half, I do expect for my confidence to go right up! thats why we are all doing it right? as well as vanity/cosmetic reasons… xxx


    I think I will be a bit better yeah maybe more confident but still I am so shy of showing my body it’s actually unbelievable during labour with both my children my bf was sent out of the room during examinations etc ha and had to stay at the top during the crual births! I’m so bad I don’t even like him seeing my legs or anything ( without tan ) I will defo be staying in my onsies I rekon and I new to buy some cheap joggers and big vest tops to pull up from bottom…my sis is home for a few days so goping she will help me as il feel a bit more comfortable with her xx

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