Woke up flat Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    I’m 6 days post op and woke up flat on my back do you think that would matter


    Hey Jamie, my PC told me it’s fine. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the first night because of trying to sleep upright so I spoke to her the next day and she said you don’t actually ‘need’ to sleep upright, you just have to make sure you stay on your back. She said the main issue is making sure you don’t go on your side because that would put pressure on your incisions, and of course sleeping on your front is a no-no for obvious reasons. I’ve been sleeping on my back for the last 2 nights (night 2 and 3) and the only prob I have is then getting up; I have to always wake my husband up if I want to get up and I do end up with a really stiff back but I think that’s par for the course at this stage xx

    Laura 13

    I wudnt worry about it. I started sleeping flat at 5/6 days post op.

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