Excited for 3rd June :) Started by: Allison

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  • Allison

    Hi girls. I’m new on here and finding it very helpful. I’ve got my BA on the 3rd of June and I’m so excited just worrying about the size, not sure if I’m going to big. I’m a 5foot 5 and a size 8. By current bra size is a 34A and even that’s too big but I have lost weight so have plenty of skin. The size I’m getting is 450cc off Gary traynor. I’m hoping they arnt too heavy and big but I’m so excited. It can’t come fast enough 🙂


    I’m also booked in with Mr Traynor on June 3rd, I think I recognise you off been in there on Friday 25th!? I’m also about 8/10 5’7″ and getting either 400 or 450! Can’t wait!! Cxx


    Thanks for your reply Jamie 🙂
    Yeah Kimberley that would of been me, so pleased someone is on here who will be getting them the same day as me. Are u going in as a day patient or staying at the hospital? Xx


    I know it’s good to know! I was in just after you!! I’m just going down for the day, as a day case! What about you? Xxx


    Yeah I’m doing a day case. I didn’t ask how much extra it was to stay. Did they tell you? I noticed on your post u says ur getting them done on the 2nd is that a mistake or have I got the wrong date lol. Xxx


    No I realised that when you said the 3rd I realised I had the wrong date! It’s a Tuesday!!! Bloody good job! But I’ll check again!! Ha! It was 4595 for day case n I think 4959 for the stay over?? Xxx


    Haha, I thought it was me as i was that excited not much sank in. Bloody hell that’s quite an increase think I will stick with the day case 🙂 xxx


    Yeah its 400 pound extra for a night case but they said if u actually have to stay when it comes to the day its free x so i thought there’s no point in paying


    That’s good to know thanks Jamie xx


    Did Julie tell u about they day at the end of May that they would be putting on, if your flexible, u can be put onto that date and I thine? Xxx


    Yeah she mentioned this. I’m not building my hopes up incase it doesn’t happen but I would get it done today if I could. I’m holding back booking a hotel incase i do get a new date. I was looking last night and think I might book in the premier inn, it’s only £29 per night. Xx


    Ah I think I’m just Guna get someone to take me down and bring me back up! I think I would rather be in my own bed! Haha!! But the premier inn sound like a good deal if your staying over! I’m Defo going for the earlier date if poss ha! Like you say as get them done tomoro if I could! The pics on here of some of the girls boobs look amazing!! Think Mr Traynor is a good surgeon to be going with 😉 happy days!! Xxx


    Yeah I’m thinking of coming home the same night but think I will book the hotel for the night before as by the sound of it day cases got to be there early and I’m not good at waking up lol. Xx


    Ah I see, I’m Guna message you! Xxx


    No problem xx


    I tried I can’t seem to message anyone on here! Was guna send my number over to u!! Xxx

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