hard and heavy Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    So im 7 days po and i still have my strapping on but they feel so hard and heavy feeling. I know i had a fairly big size in them but so they feel lighter after a while. I feel quite top heavy atm? I presume it will change a but after strapping taken off?


    Mine weirdly feel like mine. The nurse asked me after the op if they felt heavy but they didn’t and still don’t. I’m not sure whether it’s just because I’ve worn such heavily padded bras for so long, or because I had pretty average sized implants; I only had 375cc. Mine were unders, too- I wonder if that makes them feel more secure? Did you have overs?? Another friend on here did say that it feels like they’re going to drop out when you finally have your strapping taken off, though! And it does sound like your strapping has been a bit harsher than mine, plus I’ve got marks on my back where it looks like the strapping started off but has maybe moved, so that’s probably giving me a bit of respite. Can’t wait to get the strapping off and have a good squidge!x


    Mine feel okay when I have my Macom bra on (I didn’t have strapping) but when I take my bra off they feel like they’re going to fall off, I’m also waddling a bit when I walk because I’m so conscious of them I don’t want to make them wobble or anything haha xx


    Haha Katie I want mine to wobble about. And Emma yeah I would think it would feel really funny after strapping taken off and not restricted at all


    Haha I’m glad I don’t have strapping, but trust me you don’t want to be wobbling! Like Katie, whenever I move, you can kind of feel the implant move with you and it’s SO bizarre! Not sure I’ll like that feeling until I’m healed. You’ll know what we mean when you get your strapping off, they will feel like they’re just going to slide out onto the floor haha! One of my boobs feels very heavy, one feels ok and like it was always there, very strange! xx


    @Katie, that’s exactly how I feel it’s totally weird so I don’t keep my bra off long! I’m 3 weeks post op on wed so I wonder when they will start to feel part of me ?! X


    Hi Ladies

    One of mine feels like it has always been there but my left one feels heavy and sore and i keep getting this burning sensation which is so uncomfortable and irrating but its normal the nurse has said am 6 days po and have no strapping but when i do take my bra off for a 5 min air i hold them so they dont move ha

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