Day 2 post op still in agony Started by: Rachel Wilson

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    Still can hardly get up and I’m in so much pain under and around. Any advice would be muchly appreciated xx


    Hi i was definitely the same. Ive been moaning in here untill about 6 days po. IM now 7 days po. IM still in a bit id pain. But i was in agony i rang nurse up and said it was normal. I have been in bed for a week just watching TV its been so boring but only just starting to get a little better now


    Hope you start to feel better soon, just make sure you keep taking your meds with food xx


    Thanks girls. Just want to be able to function properly. How quickly after your op did you hear from mya to have your first check up? Xxx


    Hi I don’t think I could class my pain as agony, so maybe I’ve got a little lighter off than you but I’m basically useless too. Any movement which makes my boobs move is not fun, and it’s uncomfortable even to type this. Though one of my arms is a lot more mobile than yesterday, so you might surprise how much you will improve day to day. I can’t wait until I’m back on my feet either, I feel so guilty having to ask my friends to do the simplest things like turning on a tap for me! xx


    I booked in my one week check up at my pre op and my pc called me the day after my surgery… I think… It’s all a bit of a blur haha. If you haven’t heard yet give them a call and book it in xx


    Jenni you were in on Saturday too won’t you? I’m just feel groggy and sick but I’ve had a bit of fresh air n feeling a bit better 🙂 what time did you leave the hospital? Xxx
    Thanks Katie ill give them a ring later n get it sorted 🙂 xx


    I think it depends on your individual pain threshold..I would just do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. I’ve got off lightly, slight discomfort but no pain from 2 hours after op, just feel a bit sick from the antibiotics. The only thing I can’t do is any thing that uses chest muscles (like hoovering), but I am very independent and determined 🙂 hope you feel better soon xxx

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