Dr g, which clinic/hospital?? Started by: Kelly young

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    Can anyone tell me where dr g does his surgery? I’m going to see him next month but live about 5 hours from London so just trying to work out what’s best is it in the centre or outskirts? Thanks x


    I don’t know that surgeon but I know there’s a hospital in person that girls go to and I think one In Doncaster


    * Preston


    Thanks dr g does rhinoplasty so not sure if he’s at a different hospital to the ba surgeons x

    Zoe 1

    Hi Kelly I live 5 hours away too and I had to travel to Birmingham for my consultation but think he also consults in London and I had my surgery at Weymouth hospital on Harley street! He operates at high gate too x


    Ok I’m going Bristol for the consultation which is about 2 hours from me but wasn’t sure where abouts it was in London for the actual surgery where abouts is Weymouth? Is that close to London? X

    Zoe 1

    Yea Weymouth hospital and high gate are both in London x


    Ok thanks. Did you stay over or travel straight back? X

    Zoe 1

    I stayed over but in a nearby hotel and had my mum and dad with me and just travelled back in the morning. The clinic and Dr G told me to book one just in case I needed to go back and see him the next day and glad I did because the anaesthetic knocked me out and I couldn’t stop sleeping for a day! Glad I didn’t get the train it would of been to much for me but everyone is different x


    Ye my aunty and uncle live in Wimbledon in London so hoping to stay with them if it’s not too far away xx


    I’m having my op with Dr G at highgate. He told me to stay within an hour away 24 hours after surgery (just in case) but I’m staying with a friend in London for the two weeks after the op as I’m a few hours away from London and don’t really want to do any long journeys with my cast on but thats definitely personal preference.


    Yeah well soon as I get a date booked I will sort out what I’m going to do, planning on staying with my aunty maybe the night before and after maybe!!! Ahhhh bet your getting excited now x

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