Being sick still :( Started by: Amelia

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  • Amelia

    Hi guys, had my BA yesterday and I can’t stop being sick or keeping any food down. Is this normal? 🙁 getting abit worried xx


    I was only sick on day three but I’ve heard other girls are sick quite a bit afterwards.. Either because of the pain relief, the antibiotics or the stress your body has been under. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and try something with ginger in it like ginger beer or biscuits as they’re supposed to stop sickness, alos make sure youre eating when youre taking your tablets, if it carries on contact your nurse or gp and they might be able to give you some anti sickness tablets or change your pain medication xx


    Could be reaction to anti biotics a lot of people very sick after being put to sleep, it’s something’s the bodies natural reaction to get rid of the drug from your body.
    Hope u feel better xx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    come off the pain killers they gave you and take normal ones, they are usually the cause of it but for me it was both co dydramol and antibiotics so I had to come off the antibiotics after 4 days! ring the nurse or even your own doctor if your still being sick today xx


    I’m ok now thanks Rinx 🙂 xx

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