7 weeks honest opinion Started by: Mel

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  • Mel

    Hello ladies

    So I am 7 weeks. Been measured I am a 32e which I am very pleased about I like the size of them. However my left is still higher than my right! Anyone had this and does it settle down? I thought they should be fine from 6 weeks. I have added some photos please tell if its really noticeable!



    Hi Mel, I’m 4 weeks post op and having the same problem. Will have a look at your pics and inbox you Hun xx


    Was one lower before the op, as maybe it’s just made it more noticeable? If not ive heard some girls say it takes a year for them to stop changing, maybe just check in with your surgeon to see xx


    Hi mel, I do feel my right is slightly higher/ smaller too but everyone says they can’t tell but you do know yourself, your pics don’t look noticeable, they look great 🙂 Does one feel any different to the other? I’m just giving mine some time as the right has been a lot slower to heal. I’m 6 weeks. Xx

    Kelly R

    I’m 5 weeks and my right is still a bit higher. it’s not really noticeable like but I can tell. just need to be patient lol xx

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