Can anybody help…PC Sam? Started by: madzspurs

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    Hey! This is my first post on here…really excited I have just started getting the ball rolling so to speak! I booked an appointment with my PC in London for the third of oct. Her name is Sam and she’s been trying to contact me but I have no signal at my work so she left a message and I’ve just blooming deleted it! Anyone have her and know her work email?
    I’m hoping to go with Mr Adamo as heard nothing but excellent things about him.
    Thanks for any help…
    Madeleine x


    hi ya, im having my BA on 14th oct with mr adamo and sam is my PC. her number and email are
    telephone- 07894567096
    hope this helps :)
    lou x


    Good luck Madeleine!!! You’ll be fine!! Let us know how you get on!!!


    x xx


    I’v been seeing sam aswell, she’s lovely ;) 2 weeks 4 days o go ;) x x


    Thanks ladies! I’ll give her an email as I don’t want to disturb her on a Saturday! I’m very excited that I’ve finally dared to arrange the appointment! Do you girls know my chance of getting a Saturday op or getting it done in October or will he be all booked up?
    I’m trying get it all done in half term but it may be a bit ambitious I think!!
    Thanks again
    mads x


    I think Mr adamo only operates on wednesdays hun, but i mite be wrong, def worth asking tho x x


    Oh no! Will prob have to wait until the Christmas holidays then booo! I’m a teacher so can’t take time off :( I wonder if he works anywhere else…even if it was a Friday evening… Xx


    Its definately worth asking, just incase…i’m sure thats just the london clinic on a wednesday, so should think there will be others, phone sam on monday and see what she says, let us know wont you x


    Yeah I’ll give it a try thank you. If I could get it done early in the week in half term I think I’d be recovered but Wednesday is pushing it a bit! X


    Hy yh, i’m aldo having my ba on the 14th oct by mr adamo n amanda is my pc.. Highgate

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