Smoking Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies I’ve been for my consultation today and have a late op potentially booked in for next week although my surgeon has advised I should stop smoking 6 weeks before and there’s a high risk of infection and he wouldn’t recommend surgery prior to 6 weeks without smoking. Just wondering if any have been told the same and also if any smoke and have gone ahead as I’m really worried now?

    Opinions views welcomed please xxx


    I smoked up until the day before my surgery. I told the nurse at the hospital very honestly that I had an e cig she said it was better the smoking but ideally I needed to quit altogether because of infection etc. I used the e cig for the first four days five weeks later and I’ve never smoked! I do use the e cig still if I’m having a drink though! Xx


    I’m the same, I’ve got 28 days and still haven’t stopped I’m going to see the nurse tomorrow so I probably get told off xx

    Samantha 1

    I was told I need to quit a minimum of 2 weeks prior to op, I had my last cigarette 5 days ago and my op is on Friday. I’ve been using an e cig and its worked well so far 🙂 I’d defiantly quit as soon as you can, not only for risk of infection, smoking can starve the heart of oxygen, causing difficulty breathing during and after op, increased risks of blood clots and can slow recovery. I know lots of people who didn’t quit and they’re fine. Try an e cig, at least you’ll be cutting out all the s*** xx


    I only smoke when I drink so I have about 3/4 at weekends and that’s it…


    They advised to stop smoking two weeks before and two weeks after I said I wasn’t stopping and was advised to cut down xx I smoked before and have done since and went for my stitches trimmed today and they are healing fine xxx ok I know it’s not ideal to smoke but it’s not done me any harm either xx

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