Help please strapping Started by: Georgina

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    Hey girls I’m having my op on the 23rd of May (2 weeks today) and I rung up to book an appointment to have my strapping off with the nurse.. I spoke to a receptionist and she told me the nurse wasn’t going to be there for day 7 when strapping is due off, but she can fit me in at day 5? I’m having mr kazazzi and I’m panicking the 5 days for my strapping won’t be long enough as Iv seen most girlies go a week. Will I be okay??? Or should I ring and ask for a appointment the following week when she’s in.. This obviously mean’s my strapping will be on long the 7 days and no doubt be around 10/11 day mark xx


    Well I’m having my strappings off at the 10 day mark. Tuesday. Can’t wait!!! But if she said it ok for 5 then I don’t see why not 🙂 speak to the nurse rather than the receptionist


    You will be ok at five days, some people have a bad reactions to the strapping and it has to come off sooner than anticipated with no detrimental side affects try not to worry, you will be ok x


    Hello if it helps at all i had my op yesterday and although my appointment is booked for 1 weeks time to have the strapping taken off, the nurse said as long as it stays on for three days your fine however some patients just feel a but uncomfortable taking it off early xx


    I had my strapping off on day 6 I could of had it off at day 5 (I rung to change as I was in the area day before) but she said I would most likely need a second appointment to check the healing so I stuck to 6 days and needed the second appointment anyway xx

    Kayleigh 1

    Hey hun, my opp is on Tuesday and ive booked to have the strapping off on day 6 xx


    I never had strapping at all so you will be fine 🙂 x

    Amy 19

    i didn’t have strapping at all either 🙂 x

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