3 months post op Started by: Rhianon

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  • Rhianon

    Hey ladies, I haven’t been on here for ages now. Hope your all well. I’ve added my 3 month post op pictures.. And honestly I couldn’t recommend MYA enough. They are truly amazing! My results are fab!! If you want any advice I’m happy to help just inbox me 🙂 xxx


    I was a 32A/B I had 525cc and I’m now measuring an amazing 30FF!! Lost weight and gained huge boobies!! In love!!

    Laura 13

    They look great. When did you get measured hav they alwats measured 30FF or hav thry got bigger/smaller over time?


    Hi I’m interested in seeing how losing weight changed your shape. Can I add you so I can see. I’m 8 days post op . Thanks. x


    Hope you don’t mind add Rhiannon x


    @laurag26 They was measuring a 32DD then a 32E now after weight loss I’m a smaller back size and bigger bust at 30FF. @vicky150679 if you want Hun or anyone else for that matter I can inbox you my number happy to send pics of weight loss & bobbies before & after pics. Have only dropped a dress size from a 12 to a 10 and now trying with the Juice plus diet. Keeping a diary of my progress. Hoping to be a size 8 my pre pregnancy weight/size. @libert-ruby accepted you Hun & of course I don’t mind 🙂

    Michelle -4

    Hi @rhianon your boobies look great 😀 you must be really happy? Did everything go ok recovering! Xx


    @mpev Hey, thanks hun I really do love them, changed my life completely. Yeah everything went perfect.. Was in a little pain of course but only lasted about 5 days then was able to do normal activities. Have you had yours done? Or have it booked xx

    Michelle -4

    They are fantastic 🙂 I an nearly 4 months post op! Sometimes I remember I had the BA op and think wow did I actually go through with that! Although I always wanted bigger boobs I never thought it would happen ha
    But very happy with them! They seem a lot smaller compared to when I first got them done (because they have settled & dropped) but think the size is just right for my body!


    @mpev Just looked at yours Hun they look amazing too!! Bet your really happy! That’s what I’m constantly thinking too.. I’m just in love with them. Best thing I ever did. Yeah that size suits your body Hun your only very slim. Xx

    Becky 1

    Rhianon they look amazing. Crazy to see how they looked just after the op and how they look now! I am nearly 6 weeks and still waiting for 1 to drop properly so its reassuring to see! Also, has the weight loss affected your boobs at all? I need to lose about half a stone and worrying it could affect them! x

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