More pain and swelling in one breast than the other? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi lovely ladies, I’m 3 days po and from the start have more pain and swelling in my left breast than my right is this normal? Thank you! Xx


    Hi Leah, mine was in my right but that was my smaller breast xx hope this helps xxxx


    This is us the bigger of the two? I’ll call the clinic tomorrow I think xx


    I had this in my left boob for the first two weeks after my op it felt tighter and it was higher and bigger than my right. I had I’ve on it non stop and it eventually went away. They are both separate and heal differenny. I wouldn’t worry unless you are in a lot of pain rather than just discomfort xx

    Julieg1 1

    I’m having the same problem. I am 5 days post op and my left has been the problem. The pain wakes me up in the middle of the night. I’ve noticed the bruising is coming out on the left. Must admit its annoying me because my right isn’t causing me any problems at all. My left arm is starting to ache. I’m wondering if its because I’m right handed so tend to use that more so the left is more stiff ect. i’m seeing the nurse Tuesday so will mention it then. My left is really tender to touch under the arm. I’m keeping active and trying to make a conscious effort to use my left arm more. Your not alone so don’t worry.


    Thanks girls, very reassuring to hear in not the only one! Xx


    Hi Leah I had similar issues where my left seemed more achy but more the muscle under my arm rather than the actual breast…it felt like a muscle ache type thing and eventually died down. Left is slightly larger than the right and I am a left hander so I put it down to that. Have a surgeon consultation this week so will ask about it and re post.

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