Support Needed :( Started by: Zena

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  • Zena

    Had a call from a senior member of Mya and I was told that due to a human error at Highgate hospital on the day of my ba… The wrong implants have been put in 😮 :'( 🙁 !!! No details yet of if it’s the texture or size but I was advised whatever’s been put in is of no harm to me in terms of my health etc. and that it’s the implants that Mya use for all their patients which I believe is naturelle but I will only find out the full details on Thursday. Thinking it might be the sizing as they seem to be a teeny bit larger than what I thought and tight in my bra but oh my god am I worried and scared and have a million and one thoughts running through my head! First reaction was I burst into tears because it’s a shock but I’m so scared.

    Wish it is just the sizing as it seems to be more of a D than C…if it’s anything else I’m scared I can’t go through all that again :'( I hope it’s just sizing and that they’re still fine for my frame. London clinic are now at a new hospital so will be going there to meet with my surgeon. Wish me luck but the next 2 days are going to be painful waiting! Have to say though the aftercare and seriousness taken of this is excellent…I’ll be greeted by the lady who called so I do feel fully supported by Mya but would be great to have your support too!

    Stephanie 1

    Ah my gosh, I couldn’t imagine how you must be feeling! I haven’t yet had my ba , I hope you get sorted and soon and you don’t have to go through to much upset and distress. Xx


    Yep gosh am I scared worried angry everything rolled into one. Thanks Hun I hope so I hope it’s something that I don’t feel will have to go through again.


    sending hugs xx


    Oh dear i would be shitting myself. Hopefully its judt size. I cnt see it being anything elsd if its not a health hazard x


    Thanks Katy.

    Lauren – yep absolutely crapping myself…hopefully it is, thought the same too just hope it is that. I hope it’s naturelles that were used as well and not anything else because that’s what I really wanted and that’s the only thing that would make me consider or make me feel like I have to go through all that again 🙁

    Nicole 1

    I would take advice and take someone with you as you won’t necessarily take it all in! Good luck xx

    Nicole 1

    And don’t agree to anything until you have gone away and digested the information….it will probably just size or type or profile…xx


    Thanks Nicole – Great advice. Hoping to take my close friend with me who also came on the op day and will give myself a few days to think it over before deciding. Hope so! What are the differences between profiles?


    They used to use the allergan natrelles or cui.. now they use mentor.. hopefully its just the size hun.. surely they wouldnt make such a huge mistake although the wrong size is bad enough.. fingers crossed 4 u best of luck xx

    Nicole 1

    Profiles are usually picked due to chest wall size…I have narrow chest so had extra high profile…if I had a medium profile it would spread more and I would have been at risk of rippling…but got that anyway so….basically it’s how the implant is filled..wider or higher.


    Thanks Amanda! As long as it’s the natural type and best ones they had because that’s what I paid for and I was told naturalle and checked my little booklet from the op day it says naturelles. What’s cui? If it ends up being mentors I don’t mind because that’s supposed to be similar to naturalles I think. Hopefully Hun 🙁 …that’s true! Thank you Hun. I wonder if it’s just me this happened to or others who had the op on the day :-s


    Woahh how did they manage to do wrong implants when they draw all over you :s that’s bad but at leaat your getting good aftercare and i would want money off!!!! Who was your surgeon
    hope everything is okay and gpod luck for your recovery thinking of you xxxx


    Sure hun hopefully its the ones u paid for.. cui is the cheaper implant.. and yea mentor is exactly the same just a diff brand name hun so if u have them then thats fine.. i couldnt believe it when i read this post.. but at least they have realised the mistake and are forthcoming about sorting it out.. if u got the wrong ones then its possible someone else did 2 xx

    Laura 13

    Oh gosh and as if u hav to wait till thurs to find out.


    Jamie – not sure that’s what I was thinking but I think it’s more the ‘back team’ that probably had something to do with it you know the guys that prep you up and your stuff in the actual operating room before surgeon starts to operate…so don’t think it’s anything on surgeons part and the lady said there’s an investigation going on. I had the same as you I believe and don’t want to say the name and create bad publicity because still think he’s great and I got the impression it was to do with back tram rather than him. Yea thankfully I’m having good aftercare. Money off….good point! Thanks Hun will keep you posted.


    Amanda – hopefully Hun. I see, what do cui feel like and do they last differently to naturelles or mentors? Does Mya even do cui still? Really hope it’s not them because I paid for naturelles. Ahh tell me about it when I heard the lady say this I almost felt like I’m dreaming or wished I was hearing this…you don’t expect these things to happen at all. Yes you are right that’s what I appreciate at least. Feel for the other person or people this has happened to.


    Yea Laura tell me about it. Waiting is already driving me mad. The lady said she didn’t have anymore details so the full details will come from the surgeon.


    Omg can’t believe this has happened! At least they rang to tell you though and not just hid it. I would defo say you deserve some sort of compensation for this as even if you like the result you paid for something completely different. I’m sure you’ll still have a fab result xxx


    thats awful realy feel for you! how long post op are you again? surely it should have been picked up sooner? and i would deffo be asking for some form of money back. The cui’s are different as they arent filled as much think they dont have as many layers and the garuantee is different. Is weird that you have to wait till thurs aswell. Fingerd crossed for you its just slightly different sizes xxx

    Julieg1 1

    OMG that’s disgusting. Hope it’s nothing major but like Nicole said take time to think about what they say. So sorry to hear this has happened. It’s not professional at all. Quite worrying.


    Oh zena I have just read your post xx you had had a bad day as well yesterday as well xDoes it also tell you in your little book what size you had xx who was your surgeon ? My surgeon wrote the size of the implants in the middle of my chest in pen as well as the other marks on my chest xx Nicole’s right make sure you take someone with you when you go and do come away and think about it carefully before you make any decision xxx big hugs and good luck xx


    Jamie – I know gosh I can’t over this! Can’t fault the service they didn’t ring me twice to be honest they were chasing and emailed too until I got back to them and kept trying. Thanks yes you’re right I’m glad it was mentioned otherwise apart from feeling worried I didn’t even think about compensation. I hope this will be an option presented to me on Thursday. Thanks for your support Hun yes to be honest I’m well happy and they look so natural so keep feeling like the type must be the type I wanted and possibly could be the size.


    Chelsea – thanks Hun. I will be 4 weeks post op on Saturday this week but they were chasing me since last week still I think or wish I was contacted earlier as I’m well into the healing process but probably took a while to work out what happened and who it affected. I know I wish they called me in tomorrow but today is the official move to new hospital so they probs need to get settled and as it’s not a health risk that’s why maybe and the lady I spoke to who’s a senior director will actually be there on Thursday and will be greeting me. Ahh cuis I hope it’s not them! Do they feel less firm or something then?

    Julie – thanks Hun yea it is very worrying and defo will take my time to think through options. Hope it’s not :(…ahh why me lol.

    Emma – yep Hun but yesterday was non ba but the call I had was today and literally burst into tears because it’s an instant shock thinking okay what’s gone into my body even though there’s reassurance as it’s the size or texture so thankfully no health risks I’m grateful for but it’s like wow you think there should be some checks in place to ensure right whatever is going into someone’s body. I have my little book it says naturelles and has the sizes I discussed with surgeon so the book must be incorrect. Don’t want to mention surgeons make as I don’t think it was really his fault it was it got the impression the back team but don’t want to create bad publicity as I feel he’s great still. He did the exact thing to me too and wrote the sizes on my body I had huge markings lol so it seems whoever maybe is in charge of ensuring right ones were at hand probably didn’t check properly or something. Maybe my op was close to someone else’s and it got mixed. Don’t know really but yes will defo take that advice on board. So scared 🙁 thank you hugs to you too.


    yeh they realy should have called earlier as that still is a long time for them to wait, makes you wonder how they realised and how many other people have been affected. But sounds like they are now handling it well, but i would definatly want some form of compensation. When you see them definatly take someone with you and get the to write down everything they say as am sure u will forget alot and be overwelmed, maybe also write down some questions to ask them? think cui’s might be less firm as i was told they are filled to 80% where as natrelle is 93% so think it affects chances of cc but could be wrong.

    Nicole 1

    Just take advice before you accept or do anything…xx


    Yea it is Chealsa…it’s like a month now. I know exactly, once I put the phone down I thought I should’ve asked that but I was more in shock and in tears but will ask on Thursday because I do want to understand how it happened. Yea I’m thankful for the lovely lady who will be looking after me so that’s reassuring and she said she will support me all the way through it. How do I go about asking for compensation? I will do..defo taking my notepad and pen and will be writing qs to ask. I see…my ones feel firm so hopefully it’s not cuis because having naturelles was one of the most important things for me.

    Thanks Nicole I will defo take advice before accepting…defo will think it over properly and look at my options.

    Thanks ever so much for all the support ladies! Really reassuring and appreciate it very much.


    Oh no 🙁 I hope you get the support and help you deserve..I would want some money back for what you are going through! I’m sure it will just be the implants Hun as they are still using the old implants on ladies who had there consultation a while ago before they switched to mentor! Maybe if you paid for the cheaper ones you might have got the mentor ones which are more expensive 🙂 stay positive xx


    I think it’s so wrong they called to tell you before they know all the facts! They should call and tell you exactly what implants they have used instead it’s actually disgusting and you could actually sue them in all honesty.
    Really bad practice. Hope you are ok because they will have just made u worry now that’s really unfair bless u x


    Hi mikayla…yep I am! Could be possible but I know there’s a full investigation going on. I know I keep feeling like why or what the hell it took me a while to come to the decision and it was so hard and to think someone just didn’t take notice of what was going inside my body? I will ensure and hope there will be compensation. Yes she was very supportive and caring so I’m glad she will be with me throughout the whole thing on Thursday. I know gosh hate waiting. Thanks Hun! Aww good luck I hope it goes well for you and will defo keep you posted.

    Liberty thanks hun …I hope so too. Now that it’s starting to hit me I am determined I should get some money back surely…hopefully nothing serious and yes I heard mentor and naturelle are the best ones and it’s naturalle that I paid for. Will do thank you 🙂


    I know poppie 🙁 I asked the lady all these questions and she said she wished she had more on paper to be able to explain to me but she can only tell me that much as she wasn’t in the actual operating room that day but was sympathetic but it’s true I should be told it but maybe she wants it to come from the surgeon as he has more expertise or knowledge on it to then give me explanations and options. It is I know it’s so true! Thank you I think it’s starting to hit me now and I keep weeping randomly. Thanks Hun.


    Try not to get upset 🙁 .was you happy with them before they rang you? Xx

    kimbo 1

    oh my…good luck hun. yo will be fine. good advise nicole – dont go on your own. xx


    Yep liberty totally…they looked proportioned as previously they were not symmetrical and also felt the same too…started to soften and fluff out slightly too as the weeks have gone on.

    Thanks kimbo …hopefully Hun and I’ll defo be taking that advice on board and be going with someone.


    I’m so sorry to hear your going through all of this Zena, you should try to reach some form of settlement with them for distress caused to you. How can us pre op girls make sure this doesn’t happen again! I was wondering if the Mentor impants come with some sort of authentication like a certificate of guarantee so you know your getting what you asked for. Do we need to double check with the surgeon on the day or before the op to make sure it’s the right size etc? Xx


    Thanks @jackki…yep I will do. I’m not sure Hun it’s worrying that you do even need to when it should be the company or hospital I.e. The people you are trusting with this operation on your body. Well we get a booklet after the op with the stickers of what we got and funnily enough they didn’t look at what stickers they book on my book? Or what they put in me? So that booklet and stickers were supposed to be the guarantee. Well if you’ve ordered more than one then probably can decide on the day but surgeon comes round to ask you to sign to say you’re happy with the sizes discussed so all these formal things did happen beforehand.


    oh hun i hope its just sizing. take time to digest what they say and please let us know ? thinking of you xx


    Thanks Hun, will do 🙂 got my notepad and pen ready for tomorrow lol.

    Julieg1 1

    Best of luck for tomorrow we’ll all be thinking of you. Keep us updated . Take care


    Thanks Hunnn very kind of you…you all have been so kind and supportive. Will keep you posted. Take care 🙂


    What happened when you met up with them today Zena? I really hope it went well xx


    How did i go @Zena ? Are you ok? xx


    old post now but just came across this. how did it go @Zena? Hope everything was ok! x

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