removal of strapping! Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    hello girls. quick question, i had my op on Sunday morning and i am already pulling my hair out with this strapping! it is super tight and sticky, and im jus curious how on earth they will get it off? i have had a little attempt at pulling the bottom up and it is so painful and burning my skin. does it hurt to come off? i dont want to get myself worked up but its so tight xx

    Samantha 1

    I didn’t think it hurt, slightly uncomfortable, but was just glad to get it off. Its sort of like having a big plaster taken off. Your skin will become greasy from not washing for a week and will help it to come off. xx


    Think the nurse also uses something to help take it off but it will defo become looser as the days go on.

    Lucy 1

    oh ok, thanks girls. its so bloody annoying i just want it off already haha, but i know its keeping me supported. roll on saturday! x

    Eloise 1

    Hi Lucy, the nurse had to pull off some of my strapping right after the op to loosen up the drains, it was a bit painful but I’ve heard the strapping gets looser throughout the week xx


    It hurts a bit. Its just like a giant plaster. And i thort they would atkeast of put some covering on the nipples but actually the plaster is stuck to the nipples too 🙁 i must admit i was tensing up but its over in a couple of mins x

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